
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard................06/14/2012

This past week I have been harvesting the garlic scapes here at the home garden. Even though I have been a very bad blogger lately and haven't taken many (hardly any) pics of my harvests, I have taken some. Daphne, I promise I will join in on Harvest Monday this coming week!!!

I just love the look of the scapes! 

Since scapes are a once a year treat, I like to make something special with them. Last year I found a recipe for Garlic Scape Jelly. I did post this recipe last year. Because the jelly is just so wonderful, I am going to post it again for those of you who missed it.

Garlic Scape Jelly
  •  2/3 cup Garlic scapes, washed, with tops trimmed off
  • 2 sweet Bell peppers, washed and cut into chunks
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 5 cups sugar
  • 1 bottle liquid Pectin
  1. Cut the scapes into 1-inch sections and use processor or food grinder to finely mince the scapes.
  2. Remove the scapes from processor and place in stainless jelly pot.
  3. Process the Bell peppers until finely minced, then add them, with any liquid, to the scapes in the jelly pot.
  4. Add vinegar and sugar to the minced scapes and peppers. Stir until well blended. Slowly boil mixture for 10 minutes. Add liquid pectin and boil hard for 1 minute.
  5. Remove from heat and pour into sterilized half-pint or Jelly jars, to within 1/2-inch of top. Add sterilized caps and screw rings on. Process in water-bath canner for 5 minutes.
Yield: about 5 half-pints.

This batch made 5 1/2 half-pints 
One jar was given to our friends Jody, Belle & the little ones at Spring Garden Acre, who came to visit with us on Monday.

What's been going in or out of your Cupboard lately???


  1. That sounds really interesting - what do you eat it with?

    1. Originally we thought we would only use it for cooking. Such as marinating meat or a little touch to some greens.

      After tasting it, we served it with cheese and crackers as an appetizer. It's really good!

  2. Now that is something I've never seen before and I've seen a lot of things done to scapes.

    1. It's a really great savory jelly. I'm sure you would come up with a million uses for it!

  3. I'm having a hard time imagining the taste, with the sugar. But I'll bet it is great!

    1. We never imagined it would taste the way it does. You should give it a try!

  4. Robin, that's a new one on me. Garlic jelly. Never would I have thought that would have a good taste.

    Have a great scape day.

    1. Thanks David, The day has been good so far!

  5. Who would think? Garlic scape jelly. It's a reminder that nothing is wasted. Our Depression era grandmothers and great-grandmothers used everything from the garden. Susan

    1. It was such an usual recipe, that I had to try it. We were definitely surprised how good it is.

      I think we should try to use everything we can from garden....just like our grandmother's did. They were pretty smart!

  6. I have a friend who always makes "garlic candy", from garlic cloves and lots of sugar. It's a lot like the Cowboy Candy that's made with jalapeno peppers. It's actually quite good, and I imagine this jelly would have a similar flavor.

    1. I've never heard of Cowboy Candy or garlic candy. I bet they're good!

  7. what the heck I have never heard of that before sounds pretty darn good

  8. Very interesting... I'd never even heard of garlic scapes before reading blogs and now garlic jelly. I definitely learned something new today!

    1. I think we all learn something new quite often here in garden blogging land!

  9. I'm with Julie, garlic scrapes and jelly are new to me too!

  10. This is new to me, couldn't imagine the taste, bet it's very good.
    I have been slacking off at Daphne's HM and your TKC also >.<"

    1. I guess that we all slack off on blogging at times. I have been weighing most of my harvests. But, have been very bad about taking pics.

  11. I would never think to make garlic scape jelly, but I can imagine how delicious it is with a cheese plate.

    1. We love to serve different cheeses and jellies as appetizers. The flavors are wonderful!

  12. I've got a second round of scapes coming in (my second variety of garlic is a bit behind the first), and I think this might need to be how I use some of them. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Your welcome Liz. It's definitely a nice way to preserve them.

  13. My garlic patch is just now starting to produce scapes. I harvested several last night and forgot to photograph them OR weigh them... I just popped out and grabbed some as I was preparing the meal and did not even think about it. They are a treat though and I appreciate your posting the Scape Jelly recipe - gives me inspiration to use them more creatively than I typically do.

    1. Laura, Since they are such a treat, making jelly with them is a great way to have that treat all year long. They go for $10. a lb here at the farmer's market!


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