
Monday, July 16, 2012

Harvest Monday.........07/16/2012

It's been a couple of weeks since I did a Harvest Monday post. The garden is starting to produce a variety of veggies right now. Just not enough of a variety and poundage to make me happy. I'm sure I'll be complaining in a couple of weeks about too much produce. Here is some of what I have been harvesting from the gardens the past couple of weeks.

The carrots are getting bigger.....

and bigger and stranger.....I think I'm going to pull the main crop of carrots today.

The first slicing cucumber has been harvested at the home garden.

The first Happy Yummy Sweet Pepper has been harvested.

As some of you know, I harvested about half of the Yukon Gold potatoes.

We've had a couple of zucchinis...and

yesterday I finally had a nice varied harvest!

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, out host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the Globe!


  1. It starts as a trickle, and then WHAM! Enjoy the bounty-it all looks fantastic.

    1. You are so right. In a couple of weeks, I'll be pulling my hair out!

  2. I completely forgot about my zuchinnis! How can anyone forget about zukes. I harvested three small ones and gave them all to my mother. I pulled most of my carrots too and contemplated pulling them all. They really don't like this heat.

    1. I don't know how you forgot about your zucchini. It was probably the heat! I'm going to pull the carrots today. We got a few hours of nice rain yesterday! Yippee!!

  3. p.s. Your pictures are incredible. Very nice photography.

    1. Thanks, I don't think I'll ever learn how to use my camera correctly! I did much better with my 35mm!

  4. Beautiful carrot harvest. I reseeded and am hoping I am not too late. Yeah, we had rain yesterday too, finally, but it is hot and humid and will be for the next few days, not much is going to get done outdoors.

    1. Thanks Norma, No it's not too late to reseed. I still have to do that. It's going to be tough getting them going in this weather. The rain was great!

  5. Wonderful harvest! Love the color of the deep burgundy tomato :) And very nice peppers!

    1. Jenny, everything is just starting....finally! The dark tomato is Cherokee Purple, our favorite slicing tomato!

  6. Beautiful harvest! My peppers are getting sunburned, but the tomatoes are doing ok and of course the squash is taking over the world.

    1. Mary, I have some sunburned peppers too. Yes, those squash definitely like to take over!

  7. Yes, pretty soon you will be inundated with all sorts of veggies. Be careful what you wish for! Looking good as always.

    1. I know....pretty soon I will be complaining!

  8. Your produce looks great! I'm going to try the Cherokee Purple tomato next year, as well as a few others, mainly Amish paste. I've gotten quite a few sweet banana peppers, but my bells are just gorgeous plants with few flowers. We, AGAIN, had a few raindrops from some dark clouds, but they passed right over us....

    1. I think my bells are going to be small this year. The hot and spice peppers are fine though. Sorry about those clouds passing you by again!

  9. That's a nice basket of potatoes! I am loving that I am back having fresh potatoes on the menu. We go through about 3 months of no potatoes once the storage supply is (depleted and/or unedible)and before the new potatoes are ready. During that time, I gain an appreciation for what is missing and am really ready for the crop to come in when it does.

    Those tomatoes look picture perfect. The purple (assuming it is CP) looks particularly yummy!

    1. Oh yes, that's the first CP of the year! "The Italian" is going to have his first tomato sandwich for lunch today. He's really happy!

  10. I've got to get my carrots pulled. I might have to store them in the fridge though. I'm not sure any place else is cool enough right now. Your harvests look fabulous.

    1. Daphne, I was going to pull my carrots today. But, it looks like this evening or tomorrow morning for sure. I think I'm going to try freezing some as I usually use them for making stock, soups and stews.

  11. I am jealous of your zucchinis

    1. I've had my share of those dang SVB's! One year I didn't get a single squash of any kind!

    2. Me either, Robin. Those stupid SVB's got to mine after only harvesting 2 squash and 1 zucchini. For some reason they didn't get the cucumbers until last week, so I got a bunch for several months.

  12. Nice varied harvest. Cherokee Purple has been my favorite slicer too for several years. Are your zucchini the Romanesco variety? I tried that this year and have been getting a big harvest from it while my standard zucchini is still pumping out just male flowers.

    1. Thanks David, The zucchini are Cocozelle. I have tried many different varieties and they are our favorite.

  13. Your Happy Yummy is ahead of mine. My hot one is beginning to turn color, but the sweet ones aren't even close. Hey, I'll trade you some onions for those carrots. Even if they are strange, they're better than mine were this year.

    1. Granny, I just pulled the bulk of the carrots. They are of every size and shape. Now I just need to get some going for the fall. My Happy Yummy is orange not yellow. What color is yours?

    2. Green :-) It's just turning from green to yellow right now, it will be a while before it colors up.

  14. I envy many gardening bloggers including you who successfully harvested good carrots since floods in this rainy season damaged all of my carrots.
    Your strange shaped carrots might be affected by pebbles in soil. Carrots can have split roots if their growth points touch pebbles. I recommend you screen them out before seeding them.

    1. Thanks takaeko, The soil in that bed is pretty good. I guess I should sift through it a little better and see how they turn out.

  15. That Happy Yummy looks familiar! Looks like you do have a nice variety of goodies coming in. Your carrots look a lot like mine. And they are so tasty, with much more flavor than store bought ones.

    1. I just harvested most of the carrots this morning and put the pic as my header. Now, I have to get the fall ones going.

      That Happy Yummy is good!

  16. Great looking harvests this week! I had to pull all of my carrots, too. Time to get my fall ones started up!

    1. I have to get my fall ones going too! It's really tough with this hot weather though. I just did a little research on starting them during the hot weather and found something new that I might try. If I do it, I will post it.

  17. Hi Robin, Yummy things. Did your weather affect the carrots? It will be a good complaining I bet when you get too many veggies to harvest!!! I am trying to be patient another couple of weeks before checking to see if I have any Yukon Golds under those plants! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I'm new at successfully growing carrots. Last year was my first good crop of them. I'm sure the weather does affect them.

      I bet you can't wait to get some of those Yukon Golds! I love digging potatoes. It's like digging for gold! We are having some baked tonight for dinner!

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks Lisa, things are starting to move along.

  19. Your harvest is looking very good! I envy the carrots. I haven't planted any carrots yet this year we had so many over the winter that we got a little tired of them. But now they are sounding good again and I haven't even put a seed in the ground yet!

    1. I do that too at times. I get tired of something then don't plant it and wish I did! I'm sure you'll really appreciate the carrots will you finally have some!

  20. Beautiful harvest, love the carrots, I have to get busy and sow some seeds for the fall.

    1. Me too, I'm just trying to figure out a way to get the fall carrots to germinate in this horribly hot weather!

  21. look at all those carrots! Great harvest

    1. Thanks MrsP! I just put them away for storage

  22. Love that Happy Yummy Sweet Pepper, it almost looks too good to eat. You are getting a nice variety of veggies now, so summery. I'm still waiting for most of my summer vegetables to start coming in.

    1. Michelle, It's only been a couple of days now that the summer crops are finally starting to come in!

  23. Gosh your carrots look good, I was so impressed with the ones I picked this week (only three mind you) but they are nothing on yours. You have had a wonderful week in my books.

    1. I'm a couple of weeks behind last year. Everything is struggling from the hot dry weather. I'm sure everything will catch up sooner or later!

  24. Great bet you wouldn't expected to have got so far so quickly when last year you were told of the move.

    1. Sue, I really didn't think I would be able to get some of the spring crops in on time this year. I did manage to get more then expected. I started my tomatoes and peppers later then, they are a little later this year.

  25. Everything looks great, I would love one of those tomatoes right now. Can I ask why you plan to harvest all your carrots at once, rather than as you need them? I'm presuming so you can store them but wasn't sure.

    1. Thanks Liz, yes, I pulled most of the carrots after this post and put them in storage. I need the bed space and they were in the ground for a long long time. Hopefully, I will be able to get a late crop going....but, who knows!

  26. You have quite a variety coming in! And your Happy Peppers are orange! Nice! mine have done something funny and the two Happy hots I've gotten so far have been red...definitely hot, and definitely not orange.

    1. Finally a variety!! I thought the Happy Peppers were supposed to be yellow!

    2. Dave shows them as orange. I think he's trying to grow the hot one orange, as there are no known orange varieties.

    3. Granny, you have a much better memory then I do! Ha, they are supposed to be orange....must be the heat :)

  27. I have no worries, your time will come very soon when you will be posting oodles of stuff! Nice potato harvest!

  28. Glad you are starting to get some produce. It will be close to a month before I see much. I do need to get the basil picked and can't get out to the garden now on crutches. Why do I do such stupid things or should I say let my dog do such things to me. I am sure I could get some nice potatoes from the volunteers and am dieing for salt potatoes.

    1. Oh no Wilderness! I hope you'll be better soon. It's hard to garden on crutches. The garden harvests are really behind this year. I think it was lack of rain and excessive heat. We had a nice steady rain for about a day and the temps dropped. Hopefully, the tomatoes will finally start to ripen.


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