
Friday, October 12, 2012

First Frost/Freeze!

When I left work today it felt quite chilly. I really didn't think anything of it since the radio said it was going to get down to 36 tonight. Then I decided to call Dora from the Community Garden. It's a good thing I did! She wanted to know if I was on my way to the garden since we were getting a freeze tonight. What??? Oh, that's right, I work near Philly and it's a half zone warmer!!

Since daylight ends much earlier then I would like this time of year, I went straight to the garden. Dora was so kind and left me a sweatshirt and containers to harvest the last of the summer veggies.

Hot & Spice Peppers and a couple of small Eggplant

Sweet Peppers

I do have some celery plants in the home garden. But, I think they will be just fine.

Have you had your first frost or freeze yet???


  1. Yes we have and now temperatures are back into the 70's. Tomorrow the weatherman is advising bad storms with the potential of tornadoes.

    1. Oh no! You sure do get your share of tornadoes out in your neck of the woods. Stay safe!

  2. We are expecting our first freeze tonight. I have harvested all I can from the garden. I expect some limp pepper plants and basil tomorrow. Hopefully the celery and fall greens will be ok.

    1. I see you had your first frost too! The celery seems to do fine in the colder weather. I've kept it going in the cold frame all winter.

  3. WE had a frost last night too and like you I don't like it when the nights draw in!

    1. Sue, I really don't mind the winter all that much with the exception of the short amount of daylight.

  4. Nice haul. No, our first frost is about a month away. My fall garden is 50/50. I lost my lettuce, broc,cauli and carrots to a surprise bunny attack but my turnips and mustard greens are prospering. Both are "new to me" so we'll see what happens. It's weird how peppers do so well in the Fall isn't it?

    1. My peppers did well at the end of the season. Those bunnies sure can be sneaky!

  5. Had our first frost last night. It was 30 degrees this morning at 7. I brought in all the remaining peppers and green tomatoes and beans yesterday. Have yet to go down and inspect the damage!

    1. I didn't get out to the gardens today. I'm going to stop by the plots tomorrow and see how it looks.

  6. I just wrote about our first frost last night. It seems we are on the same time table, or at least the same cold front.

    1. Daphne, we do seem to get the same weather. You usually get our weather a day later though.

  7. We had our first freeze last week. Ugh. Don't like it so early! Nice of your friend to call and warn you. Nancy

    1. Dora is great! She even left me a sweatshirt to put on. I think gardeners are the best people!

  8. No frost here yet, but I imagine we are just a couple weeks behind you. What an impressive year you had in those new plots!

    1. Thanks Erin, The plots did pretty good this year. I did have some failures. But, I can't complain.

  9. No frost here in S.C. either but my garden is done anyways. I now have my garden spot covered with black plastic so the weeds and grass won't be so bad next year, hopefully. The hot pepper jelly looks amazing!

  10. I live in zone 10, two blocks from the Pacific Ocean. I've seen the temperature drop to 27 degrees overnight in my garden (admittedly, a low, cool spot). No damage done, though I did cover citrus and tender greens with sheets and other assorted coverings. Warm temps during the day helped. Cool nights helped increase the chill hours for my fruit trees.


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