
Sunday, November 4, 2012

We're Back and Safe!

We finally made it home a few days ago from our extended vacation due to Sandy! We had a wonderful time! We were stranded in a lovely hotel on the beach in Florida for several days once we got back to the USA. By the time we got home, the power was back on. All of the frozen stores from the garden are OK since I always keep blocks of ice in the freezers downstairs.

We were very lucky that the storm didn't damage the house. It's just a big mess out there. Some of our city is still without power and a lot of traffic lights are still out. The damage around here is very bad. I watched a video on-line from our local TV station while we were stranded and couldn't believe the damage. It was taken one block from our home! Maybe I will have some time today to go out and about and take some photos of the damage almost one week after the storm.

Now, I need to get caught up on my work! Thank heavens I can work from home! I hope all of you are safe and sound!


  1. Glad to see you back posting today. That must have been nerve racking to see really bad damage one block from your house when you couldn't see if your house was OK. Hopefully your city will be back to normal soon. Here less than a week after it happened we all have power again. But then again we barely got hit here compared to you.

    1. Daphne, "The Italian's" daughter stayed here through the storm and his family came over and secured the outside before it hit. Although she said everything was OK, you never know

  2. So glad to hear your home is safe, Robin. What a relief, I'm sure.

  3. Whew! So glad that you are home, have power, and suffered no major damage from Sandy. It must have been very stressful being stranded in Florida when you didn't know what was going on back home.

    1. Rachel, we were very lucky and stayed in touch with my step-daughter who was staying here.

  4. So happy to hear all was well. And what a great idea about having a large block of ice in the simple, and yet something I never thought of. Seems every time we leave town, the power is out....

    1. Sue, I freeze ice in plastic containers with lids that fit in the bottom of the freezer. Every time I think I want to remove them for additional space, I think "oh no...better not". They have saved the food on several occasions

  5. Glad to hear that you are home and that you had someone securing your home while you were gone. Thankful you didn't have more damage than what you did. Great idea about keeping ice in the freezer. Seems like my freezer is pretty full this time of year but need to work at putting ice in the spot I take something out! Welcome back home. Nancy

  6. Robin,

    I'm happy to hear you made it home, okay and your home made it through the storm in one piece. We both store water in containers in our freezers. I find it to help with preventing the freezer from constantly running. I fill 1/2 gallon milk cartons with water for emergencies or the cooler when we go camping. The frozen milk cartons have come in handy many times.

  7. I did wonder whether you had been affected? Glad you and your house are OK!

  8. Glad to hear you all are ok! L and I were hoping things weren't too bad at your house. I know the winds were fierce in your area according to reports I saw.

  9. Welcome back and glad to hear that no major damage!

  10. I'm so glad everything was okay! We got really lucky around where I am here in PA - never lost power. I don't know how with all that wind and rain!

  11. glad to hear you are back and only have an outside mess, good thinking on those blocks of ice!

  12. I am glad you did not take much damage from the storm! Also very glad you didn't lose any of your frozen vegetables; that was probably what was the most on my mind when we were out of power. We have a small generator that saved the day.

  13. I don't know where you live, but I'm happy that you're safe. We keep ice in our freezer too, and we have only the freezer above the refrigerator. We also have a tray of loose ice cubes, so if the freezer melts while we are gone, we will know it and can act accordingly.

    I forgot that you were leaving and didn't visit the alternate Kitchen Cupboard Thursday host. I just got around to posting that anyway, along with Harvest Monday. Lou

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