
Monday, March 11, 2013

Garden Update......busy, busy, busy!!!

Spring is just around the corner! We were blessed with two nice warm days over the weekend. Do you believe it was 62 on Saturday and the mid 50's on Sunday?? So....I went over to the plots to get some work done. This is the best weather for doing this type of work.

I took down 4 of the 5 trellises and laid them on the beds where they will be this year. I forgot the drill-driver both days. So, I couldn't move the last one. I also turned over about half of one of the big beds. I am pleased to report that there are lots of worms!!!

I turned over the one end of this bed where the broccoli will be planted. The garlic is at the other end of this bed.
I removed most of the straw from the garlic bed.
The bed in the middle was also turned over. This is where I will plant some cauliflower. The two end beds is where the asparagus is planted. No signs of grow yet.
As you can see (click on any picture to enlarge), the top of the soil is quite dry for this time of the year.

The raspberries were pruned. I totally forgot to cut them back in the late fall!

I added some additional bunny protection to the fencing. It was too low and we had a bunny living in the garden last year. I managed to get about half of the perimeter finished. Hopefully I will be able to finish it next weekend.
There is one full table of starts in the basement. I am in the process of pre-sprouting the peppers and eggplant. By the end of the week, there will be another table going!
The greens and lettuce and doing well and......
I think it's time to thin the celery!
How's your garden prepping coming along???


  1. Way to go with all that work! Your seedlings look lovely! This weekend's weather was the best!

    1. Thanks Megan, This weekend was delightful!

  2. Yes! Isn't it nice to get out and stick you hands in the dirt? Thanks for the reminder on the berries. I've really got to get a handle on mine.

    1. It sure is! I can't believe that I forgot to prune the raspberries in the fall. Oh well, at least they got a pruning early on this spring.

  3. wow! look at all your great work! thats superduper! its wonderful to see all of the activity. we had some nice days too..but now the rain is on the way.

    1. Thanks OFG! Yippee for the rain....we sure need it!

  4. Robin - I missed your daily posts. I imagine you are busy with work these days. I have just started garden prep. No indoor seeds started yet but this week. Will be planting peas, spinach, lettuces, carrots and bok choy this week in the veg garden. I had a chance to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show for inspiration. It was lovely. take care.

    1. Hi Marcia, Yes, work is keeping me extremely busy! I'm not sure when I will be planting the peas and greens. We shall see how the weather is.

      I haven't been to the Flower Show in years!

  5. I've got to prune the raspberries too. And the peaches.

  6. Lucky you with a bit of warmth - our soil is really still very wet and too cold for planting anything but we have some onion, celery and celeriac seedlings in the house under lights and shallot and onion sets in modules in the greenhouse and that's all.

    1. Sue, Before you know it, you will be up to your ears in planting and seedlings!

      The weather was absolutely lovely. The temps are dropping now and we are supposed to get some much needed rain.

  7. Gosh, you have a GREAT seed startup operation going!

    1. Thanks Mary Ann, my seed startup operation has evolved over the years.

  8. You certainly have been busy! Your seedlings really look great. Mine are still teeny-weeny babies, or no shows, but it's early yet.

    1. Yes Granny, I have been one busy bird! Your babies will grow up before you know it!

  9. Your garden beds and seedlings look wonderful! We're still under snow so no outside work yet, but hopefully that will change this weekend.

    1. Thanks Jenny, we didn't have much snow this winter. Your snow will melt and then all the gardening work will begin!

  10. wow you sure have been busy everything looks great!!

    1. Thanks Mrs.P! I thought I will be sore today with all that work.....but, I feel good!

  11. Hi Robin, I like that kind of weather to work outdoors in also. Yippee for the worms. I love seeing them in my garden. You have a nice lot of sprouting going on there! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, pretty soon I will have a basement full of plants!

  12. Oh wow! Looking good! I haven't started any seeds yet. *blush* It's on my to do this week! You've inspired me!! =0)

    1. Holly, I'm glad that I inspired you to get going with your starts! Now, get going!

  13. Things are looking great at the plots! I took advantage of the warm weekend to work in the garden too. It won't be long and things will be planted and going crazy!

  14. Your plot beds are looking great! Since this was posted a while ago, I am betting they are even further along now. Hopefully the weather is still giving you a bit of a break.

    1. Hey Laura, Yes the plots are starting to come along. I finally took pictures yesterday and today. I'm going to have to do two posts to catch up!

  15. wow! look at everything you have going on :) Love it!

    we're growing tons of seedlings right now and running an Indiegogo campaign to help make our community a good food haven. We need all of your help to make that happen - to build a greenhouse for organic food; a demonstration garden to teach interns how to grow that food; and a pop up shop to make urban farming accessible in a city setting. We really just want to make a difference in our food system - I'm sure you do too!!

    take care and good growing!!!

    1. Hi Arlene, thanks for your compliments and stopping by! Garden on!

  16. Hi Robin, Haven't heard from you for a while so just wondered whether you were OK?

    1. Hi Sue, Yes, I am great. Thanks for asking. I've just been so busy with work, life & the garden!


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