
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's Growing On at The Plots mid-April

I've been spending a lot of time at the plots on the weekends. Due to the weather, some garden is behind compared to last year.....but, it's looking good and I'm happy!!!

View from the front left

Bed #1 with newly planted Broccoli and Garlic in the back

The Broccoli was planted over the weekend and it's looking good!
I put the pots around the plants to protect them from the windy weather we were having
All of the Garlic came up.
It's not as tall as last year. But, that's due to the dry weather. I'm sure it will catch up with some nice rain and warm weather.
I've been working on the Raspberry Trellises
It's hard to see from this pic. I'm adding some T's and wire to the posts to support them. I will finish them up this coming weekend.

Blackberry & Raspberry Bed
I've planted onions around the edges of the blackberries and in every location that I have room. Hopefully we will have a good onion harvest this year.....unlike last year

The Jersey Supreme Asparagus is coming up!
It looks like we will be having some asparagus for dinner this week!
The Purple Passion Asparagus has yet to pop up
I finally made a decision on Tomato Cages.
These are from Burpee. They had great reviews and I got a great deal! I found a coupon code for 25% off and then another coupon code for free shipping! I purchased 18 cages for around $200.

These cages are 5' tall before you put them in the ground and they fold up!
I hope they work as well as the reviews say they do!

There are Snow Peas & Snap Peas planted in two locations. They've all popped up since the rain!

The Strawberry Bed has been cleaned out.....

and they're looking good!

Another view of the plots.
You can see some additional Broccoli plants and onions planted in Bed #5.

I stopped by the plots on Monday and saw this pretty Bluebird. I think I spent 15 minutes taking pictures of him. He's a beauty!
I also took about 100 pictures of the Community Garden. Most of the gardeners have their plots ready to go. That's another post! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Home Garden Update mid-April

Wow, I can't believe it's mid-April already and that I haven't posted in a month! I have been reading a lot of blogs though. It's just been very busy with work, life and the garden.

The cold weather and then the hot dry weather has passed and the weather has turned to normal for this time of the year. So.....I finally managed to get the home garden cleaned up this weekend.

The Right Cold Frame Bed
is planted with onions and carrots under the boards. I use Granny's Seed Mat Method.It works great!

The Left Cold Frame Bed
is planted with Asian Veggies, Kale, Collards and Lettuce

The over-wintered Spinach is really taking off!

I harvest this nice big colander of spinach on Sunday
"The Italian" sautéed it with olive oil and garlic....yum!
The Peas finally sprouted after our rain this past week!

They're all popping through the ground!
I usually plant my early Tomatoes in this bed.
This year I sowed 2 rows of Little Marvel Peas and 2 rows of Carrots.
Slicing Cucumbers will be sown on the right side in about a month

The Herb Garden has been cleaned out.
It was a mess from that Sandy blowing through here last fall!
The Rosemary made it through the winter for the first time!

Lots of Happy Daffodils in the Herb Garden too!
In the basement, there are a few Large Tomatoes......

smaller tomatoes......

and even smaller tomatoes!
They will be a nice size when it's time to plant them out.

There are a lot of peppers growing....medium and small

Way too much Celery!!

Cauliflower, Cabbage & Eggplant
The Broccoli has already be planted at the plots.
I'll post on the plots tomorrow.
So, how's your garden coming along???