
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's Growing On at The Plots mid-April

I've been spending a lot of time at the plots on the weekends. Due to the weather, some garden is behind compared to last year.....but, it's looking good and I'm happy!!!

View from the front left

Bed #1 with newly planted Broccoli and Garlic in the back

The Broccoli was planted over the weekend and it's looking good!
I put the pots around the plants to protect them from the windy weather we were having
All of the Garlic came up.
It's not as tall as last year. But, that's due to the dry weather. I'm sure it will catch up with some nice rain and warm weather.
I've been working on the Raspberry Trellises
It's hard to see from this pic. I'm adding some T's and wire to the posts to support them. I will finish them up this coming weekend.

Blackberry & Raspberry Bed
I've planted onions around the edges of the blackberries and in every location that I have room. Hopefully we will have a good onion harvest this year.....unlike last year

The Jersey Supreme Asparagus is coming up!
It looks like we will be having some asparagus for dinner this week!
The Purple Passion Asparagus has yet to pop up
I finally made a decision on Tomato Cages.
These are from Burpee. They had great reviews and I got a great deal! I found a coupon code for 25% off and then another coupon code for free shipping! I purchased 18 cages for around $200.

These cages are 5' tall before you put them in the ground and they fold up!
I hope they work as well as the reviews say they do!

There are Snow Peas & Snap Peas planted in two locations. They've all popped up since the rain!

The Strawberry Bed has been cleaned out.....

and they're looking good!

Another view of the plots.
You can see some additional Broccoli plants and onions planted in Bed #5.

I stopped by the plots on Monday and saw this pretty Bluebird. I think I spent 15 minutes taking pictures of him. He's a beauty!
I also took about 100 pictures of the Community Garden. Most of the gardeners have their plots ready to go. That's another post! 


  1. Things are looking good. I checked my asparagus yesterday. No shoots yet. I'm thinking soon with all the warm weather we have been having.

    1. Daphne, I picked some asparagus tonight after work and will be picking some more tomorrow. The Purple Passion is finally starting to pop up today. I bet your asparagus will be up this week.

  2. Hi, I just found your blog through Back Yard Organic Vegetables. It looks like you are having a great start this year. I look forward to viewing your past posts.
    To plant a garden is to believe in the future.

    1. Hi Louise and thanks for stopping by! Yes, the garden is looking good so far!

  3. Looking great, Robin! Those cabbages are huge! Mine are dinky little things, but the cutworms love them :-( I've been busy collaring all of my broccoli and cabbages.

    1. Thanks Granny! Those are broccoli plants.....are your eyes starting to fail :)

      Sorry to hear about those darn cutworms!

    2. Those broccoli plants are huge! Mine are dinky little things, but the cutworms love them :-)

  4. Robin,

    Everything in your pictures are really coming in nicely. We have tried to plant and each and every time the weather was not good. Cold, snow, frost, ice and today the potential for tornadoes. Maybe Friday or Saturday we can get started or try to get started.

    1. Thanks Sandy, you sure have been having a time with the weather! Hopefully Mother Nature will calm down and you can get some plants in!

  5. You are certainly not behind us - weather to blame for our tardiness too.

    1. Sue, Unfortunately, it seems like the strange weather patterns are continuing

  6. Wow, you HAVE been busy. Everything looks so neat and organized. The broccoli is off to a great start. It was so nice of that little bluebird to pose for you :)

    1. Thanks Rachel, We are hoping for the year of the broccoli harvest! Yes, that little bluebird managed to stay put long enough for me to get a couple of good shots!

  7. Your gardens look wonderful! I wondered if you had planted those plants in the black pots but then see you put them on to protect the plant. Need to remember that. Your asparagus looks great. Mine has not poked through yet and I am impatiently waiting! Love your little bluebird. We don't have those very often in our yard. Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy! I've picked a little asparagus three times this week! That little bluebird sure was a treat to see!

  8. Looks like things are really getting underway :)

  9. wow everything is looking great!!

  10. Robin- thanks for the tour of your plots. Things are really looking good. I think your bluebird visit is a "good-luck" sign for your Summer. No more drought like last year! I am excited to watch your garden grow this year.

    1. Thanks and Your Welcome Lexa! I sure hope that the bluebird is a sign of good luck! I will enjoy watching your garden too!

  11. Robin,

    I tried to e=mail you but our computer doesn't have outlook. I just wanted to let you know, my family and I are okay. We are very lucky our home was not damaged. We live on the boarder of Moore, we felt all the outer band winds 100+mph and have minor debris. Our family has been out and about trying to help victims where we can.

  12. Robin - are you okay? No news from your gardens in a long time! Missing reading about what you are up to.

  13. Same here. Hoping everything's okay.


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