
Friday, June 14, 2013

Too Busy to Blog & Garden Update

Yes, everything is A-OK.....I've just been too busy with work, life and the garden to blog!!! "The Italian" and I had a lovely vacation in May. The garden is doing great and work is busy as usual. I really appreciate the inquires.

As you can see the plots are bursting with growth! We had one heat wave already in late May. Other than that the rain has been consistent and the heat wave didn't seem to hurt the spring crops.

Plots from the front

The Eggplant were getting nibbled, but the new growth is good.
It looks like they are going to be OK
The Peppers are looking good and so are the potatoes (on the left)

The Broccoli is forming heads!!!

The Asparagus is finished for the year. We harvested about 3.5 lbs this year.
The Squash are coming up.....and we have Peas galore!
There are Snow & Snap Peas at the plots and Snap & Shelling Peas growing in the Home Garden. To date we have harvested more than 5 lbs. of Peas.

The Tomatoes are Happy!
The Cauliflower has yet to form heads. But, I'm sure they will be forming soon!

The Cabbage is starting to form heads.
The Blackberries have lots of do the Raspberries!
The Strawberry bed has to be kept covered due to the birds.
We've picked more than 17 lbs. of strawberries so far this year!!!

Overall the garden is looking great and we are happy gardeners!
How's your garden growing so far this year???



  1. Looks gorgeous! Love the broccoli head and blooming blackberries and very jealous of the peas. We'll be picking first bunch this weekend but no where near what I wish we had.

    1. Thanks Jenny! We are up to our ears in peas and loving it!! Enjoy!

  2. Robin, I'm glad to see that you garden is doing so well. I'm still in the planting mode. The rains just keep coming here in Nebraska. More rain today and tomorrow. I did get some late potatoes planted yesterday. Three more rows of sweet corn and some Mammoth sunflower plants for the birds. I hope to get my zucchini and other squash planted soon. The tomatoes and green beans are looking great as well as the radishes and lettuce. Things seem to be growing well this year but the issue is finding a day that's not super muddy in the garden to plant.

    Have a great day in the garden.

    1. David, It looks like it's going to be a good gardening year! Just put on those mud boots and get to work!

  3. I'm glad to hear that things are going well. The garden is growing well. It has been colder this year than last year, so much more normal.

    1. Thanks Daphne, yes, this year seems to be a bit more normal than last. Hopefully, it will be a great year!

  4. Robin? Is that you? It's been so long, I forgot what you looked like!

    Your garden is looking fantastic! I can only dream of 17 pounds of strawberries.

    1. Granny, you could never forget me!!! Your bestest cyber buddy! The garden is really doing well this year. If you would come out to visit us you could enjoy some of those strawberries....maybe even a strawberry margarita!

  5. Robin,

    Life keeps all of us relatively busy! Good to read a new post about your garden. Everything you've planted seems to really have taken off. I started my garden late due to weather. The tomatoes are really growing well they are standing about 6 inches tall. The collards, lettuce, peppers, strawberries and luffa are really coming along. Everything else seems to be a hit or miss because of the heat right now.

    1. Sandy, Life sure does keep us busy! You have been having a difficult year with the weather in your neck of the woods. I'm happy to hear that your garden is doing well. Take care!

  6. In answer to your question - not as far forward as yours is.

    1. Sue, I sure hope that your garden will move forward and the weather will cooperate a bit!

  7. Glad to see you back! Your garden looks great.

  8. Glad to see you had a minute to post again! Your garden is looking great! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I really need to try to make time to post a bit more often!

  9. Hi Robin,
    Your garden is beautiful. I have garden plots at the Jordan site. Dora gave me your blog info. I look forward to following your blog. I recently started my own garden blog. If you are interested my blog address is Happy gardening!


    1. Hi Tricia, Thanks for stopping by! I was at Jordan with Dora last month. It's looking good! Welcome to the world of blogging!

    2. I would like to get over to see the Cedar Brook site sometime, Dora tells me how nice it is and how everyone is very friendly. I notice you use straw as mulch, do you ever have problems with it attracting rodents? I am using it for the first time this year and some of the gardeners at Jordan claim it attracts rodents. I have learned to not always listen to what some of them say :)

    3. Tricia, You will have to come over and visit some time. Yes, the gardens are lovely and everyone is very friendly. We love the new site.

      I always mulch my potatoes with straw and at times use the straw around the plants. No, I have never had a problem with it attracting rodents. I've never heard of that.

      Take care and stop by for a visit soon!

  10. I'm envious of all your space! Everything is looking very nice.

    1. Thanks Dan, It's great having all that space at the plots. Your garden is looking great!

  11. Looking great Robin! I have had no time to blog either, I feel guilty about it! Maybe tonight. Your veggies look like they are in a similar state as mine. I have so many peas I'm having to give some away.Glad to hear you are doing well, your plot looks amazing!! :)

    1. Thanks a bunch! Life can get too busy for blogging. I always feel guilty too. Hopefully you will have some time and we can see how your garden is growing! Take care

  12. Robin - good to hear you're still around. I figured it must be hard to work garden and blog and still have time to enjoy life. Your gardens look great as always. Look forward to seeing more posts as summer progresses.

    1. Thanks Marcia, I'm going to try to post at least once a week.


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