
Monday, June 24, 2013

New Addition to the Family

For those of you who have been following this blog for some time, you will remember Alvin, one of my cats. I posted about him here, here and here. This past week we had to put him down. It was a very very hard thing to do. But, I had no choice, there was nothing the vet could do for him.

Three weeks ago when I took Alvin to the groomer, I fell in love with a rescue kitty. After Alvin's passing, I called the groomer to see if she still had him......and the answer was yes! We couldn't believe that she still had this little guy! I guess it was meant to be!

Welcome Nunzio!
He was named by "The Italian"

Here he is in the cage before we brought him home.
Little Nunzio half asleep.

This is the only time you can get a picture of him!
He is one active little fellow!


  1. those PAWS!!!! he's a dream! so glad you got him. i'm so sorry for your lose of dear Alvin. a heavy blow for sure. *hugs*

    1. Thanks OFG, If we didn't get Nunzio, I'd probably still be crying. He sure does have some big paws!

  2. Oh how precious is that. I wish they would stay that way forever.
    Congrats on the newest member of the family.

    1. Thanks Sue, I don't know if I could take it if he stayed small! He sure is active!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of Alvin but congratulations on the new baby! He's adorable :)

    1. Thanks Jenny, we sure are happy with the new little guy!

  4. I am so sorry for your loss and hope little Nunzio helps fill the void. He sure is a cutie.

    1. Thanks Rachel, little Nunzio is definitely filling the void.

  5. Such a handsome kitty. He'll be a joy and follow in Alvin's footsteps.

    1. Marcia, he sure is a handsome fellow! I hope he is as good as Alvin in the getting voles department!

  6. Your new kitty is adorable. So glad your back. I was wondering what had happened when you weren't posting. I understand that life just takes over and we have to step away from the blog. Looking forward to future posts.

    1. Thanks a bunch! I'm going to try to post more regularly. It's so nice to hear from everyone!

  7. Welcome to a perfect life, little Nunzio! Robin and The Italian will take good care of you, and I'm sure you will return their love tenfold!

    1. Nunzio says that he thinks he's got it made! The Italian is sure loving him!

  8. What a precious new kitty. I am sure he will be very happy with you. I am sorry to hear about Alvin though. That is never easy.

    1. Thanks BLD, it was not an easy thing to do. But, Nunzio is helping heal my heart!

  9. Well good news and bad news! So hard to part with a longtime, faithful friend. And a new resident with the name of Nunzio. I have a cousin named Nunzio...but then probably every Italian has a cousin named Nunzio. BTW...We had The Italian's famous rub on a steak last night.

    1. Patricia, Yes, it was very hard to part with Alvin. The Italian is happy to know that you are enjoying his rub! BTW, he always loved the name Nunzio but never knew anyone with that name.

  10. Oh, Nunzio is so cute! I can see why you fell in love with him. I am so sorry you had to put Alvin down. We know the pain from having to do that. I hope Nunzio gives you lots of joy! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, He is adjusting well. We sure are going to miss Alvin though

  11. How cute. So sorry to hear about Alvin. I know you and the Italian are going to miss him and the box playtime that only Alvin could enjoy.

    1. Thanks Jody, it's been really hard....but, little Nunzio is filling the void. He even loves Alvin's box! Isn't that funny???

  12. I'm so sorry to read about Alvin...

    Nunzio looks like quite the cute little troublemaker :)

  13. I'm late commenting, just catching up on my blog reading today. I'm so so sorry for the loss of Alvin. But what a wonderful life you gave him.

    And now you have little Nunzio to keep you company and he too will have a wonderful life ahead of him. He's resting up now for all the future adventures! :-)

    1. Thanks 1st Man, We are enjoying little Nunzio. But, I still haven't gone to pick up Alvin's's going to be tough to do.


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