
Friday, June 28, 2013

I just had to show off my Broccoli Harvest!

Some years the broccoli is good and sometimes not so good. This year has been a great year for us! Sorry Jody!

This year I am experimenting with broccoli and cauliflower varieties for Spring & Fall plantings . I planted 6 varieties of broccoli, 4 of each for the spring; Arcadia, Fiesta, Nutri-Bud, Packman, Premium Crop & Tendergreen. The Arcadia has been #1 so far with the two heads harvested so far weighing 1 lb. 8 oz. and 1 lb. 7 oz! That's just amazing! Fiesta is not far behind! The 4 heads weighed in between 1 lb. and 1 lb. 5oz.

This is what I picked today......8 lbs of Broccoli!

This is the largest head of Arcadia Broccoli weighing in at 1lb. 8 oz and 9" across! is your garden growing????


  1. Fantastic harvest. I'm looking forward to the first broccoli. I hope they turn out as well as yours did. Congrats!

    1. Thanks Sue! Good luck with yours!

    2. Maybe you wonderful gardeners can help a newbie out. Planted brocolli but havent seen any heads yet. Is this normal? The plants look really good to. Please shed a little light my way thanks

  2. Awesome broccoli! so far I had only 1 decent sized head but the rest are taking their time in growing. lots of green but no head.

    1. Jenny, hopefully the wait will be worth it. My cauliflower is taking it's time.

  3. Your broccoli looks beautiful! I planted 12 plants of Packman broccoli that I bought at a greenhouse. They were growing beautifully, even formed heads early and then the heat came a couple weeks ago and that was the end of them. I look at your plants and they were exposed to the same climate and they are beautiful. I think maybe the advice I got from another garden may have something to do with the failure of my broccoli. I was told to use the leaves and cover the heads like you do with cauliflower. Two days after I covered them with the leaves, the broccoli heads started turning brown. I plan on doing another planting for fall. What variety are you planning on growing in the fall?

    1. Thanks Tricia, I've never heard of covering the broccoli. Too bad you can't move to our garden. Oh well, gardening is always a learning process. I'm planning on growing Arcadia, Fiesta, Green King, Solstice & Tendergreen this fall.

  4. Wow nice broccoli. I've really liked Fiesta for its huge heads and constant large side shoots after, but I've never tried Arcadia.

    1. Thanks Daphne, The Arcadia is really growing wonderfully. I got the seeds from Fedco. It had a good review so I thought I would give it a try. I'm glad that I did.

  5. Show off! My broccoli harvest has been pitiful, but that's what happens with only two plants. Last year I was lucky to have two that gave me enough side shoots for decent meals. This year they are stingy. They were all from a packet of mixed seeds, so I have no idea what those two good ones were!

    1. Hey Granny, We all have to show off at times! I'm absolutely thrilled with the broccoli this year!

  6. Wow! Great harvest of Broccoli. I have not planted any. I need to try it but am a little leary that it won't do well. Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I think you should give it a shot next year. It's always fun to try something new!

  7. Robin,

    What a beautiful spring harvest! I'm jealous, this year mine didn't do a thing. When do you start your fall planting for broccoli?

    1. Thanks Sandy, You just never know what's going to do well and what isn't. That darn Mother Nature can be a bit temperamental! I just looked at my planting schedule and it's about time to start the seeds for the fall!

  8. Brilliant harvest - we have had broccoli problems over the last couple of years.

    1. Sue, this is the first year that my broccoli has been absolutely wonderful. You just never know.

  9. What a wonderful harvest of broccoli! So nice that they are all ready around the same time so you can enjoy some fresh and freeze the extras for later.

    1. Thanks Rachel, I did a lot of freezing yesterday! The harvests started last week and the remaining heads will most likely will be ready this week.

  10. Who wouldn't want to show off such a harvest!! your soil must be so healthy to produce such beauties ! I have some purple sprouting broccoli growing at present, last year I grew Romanesco and Green dragon the later being quite a disappointment.

    1. Andrea, we are tickled pink with our broccoli this year! Good luck with yours!

  11. Wow what a great harvest. That is the size we are always hoping for but never seem to get. Maybe this year for fall!! We just planted 20 pac man seedlings so we are hoping to get a bunch and have some to freeze for the winter.

    1. Fall broccoli is supposed to be better than the spring broccoli. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a great fall harvest for you. I never seem to get my fall plantings in at the right time

  12. great harvest!!! this year mine is coming in rather spotty.

    1. Thanks Mrs.P, hopefully you'll have some nice broccoli this year!

  13. Beautiful broccoli! I'm having a decent harvest. My best was Blue Wind, an early variety and I got my first ever good sized heads. Tendergreen gave me some mighty small ones and my Fiesta hasn't begun to broccle yet. I'll have to look into Arcadia!

    1. Thanks NG, I think it's the year of the Broccoli! I'll have to check out Blue Wind.

  14. Jut, wow! That is a serious amount of broccoli and such huge heads. Congrats!

    1. Thanks! I am so so proud of the broccoli this ever!

  15. Wow. We've never had very impressive heads of broccoli, but we keep trying every year none the less. Maybe someday will be our good year, too! :) Congrats on your best broccoli crop yet!!

    1. Thanks BLD, this was my first year growing large heads. I'm sure that you will one year too grow large heads of broccoli. Who knows, this may be the only year for me!


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