
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Harvest Monday....... July 1, 2013 & Harvest Totals to Date

We had two big harvests this week, a lot of the Broccoli and the Garlic. Some of you may have seen my Big Broccoli Harvest here. Well that wasn't all of it for the week. I harvested a few heads earlier in the week and a few more on Sunday. Sorry, no pics of those.

Sunday I went to the plots and pulled the remaining peas. The peas in the home garden were pulled last week. It's just too hot for the peas and they were about finished. After I finished with the peas. I thought that I better check the garlic. Well, it was ready to be pulled. I pulled all the garlic and brought it home.

Since we are in constant threat of thunderstorms lately, I had to put it under the covered part of the back porch. Now I can barely get out the back door!

38 Heads of Music (Hardneck Variety)
 a total of 56 heads of Silverskin (Softneck Variety)

more of the Silverskin
The garlic heads are a good size and I'm quite pleased with the harvest. I think we will have enough for us and my son's household. Later this week I will hang the garlic and let it cure for storage.
Since I have been a bit busy and haven't participated in Harvest Monday this year, I thought I would post my year to date weighed harvest totals.

Baby Choi - 3.25 lbs.
Asparagus - 3.3 lbs.
Strawberries - 20.8 lbs
Broccoli - 16.8 lbs.
Garlic - 94 Heads (will be weighed once they are cured)
Greens & Lettuce - 3 lbs. (I haven't been weighing most of these)
Onions - 8 oz,
Peas - 11.2 lbs.
Peppers - 1 oz. (1 hot pepper)
Spinach - 5 lbs
Tomatoes - 3 Sungolds (not weighed)

Year to date Total - 62.45 lbs.
Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. That is a nice haul of garlic. I'll be harvesting mine sometime in the next few days. I hope it stays dry, though that isn't the forecast.

    1. Thanks Daphne, staying dry has not been in the forecast for some time!

  2. Very nice garlic! how does silverskin keeps for winter? I usually plant hardneck types like german porcelain and Spanish roja, but never tried softneck.

    1. Thanks Jenny, the Silverskin stores a little better then the Music. I still have both from last year. I guess it's almost time to make garlic powder and minced garlic!

  3. Hello, dear lady! it has been a while since I visited, but we have had our hands full, as I'm sure has been true for you.

    I see your harvest is as plentiful as ever. We too pulled the garlic and part of the shallots. And to our surprise, we had our first tomatoes a week ago_ early for us.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July.

    1. Hey Diana, Nice to hear from you! Yes, life is keeping us busy too! I have to tell you that The Italian and I are enjoying your son's CD! He's a great artist!

      Enjoy your holiday!

  4. Good size nice garlic. I am planning on harvesting mine this week. I planted regular garlic and elephant garlic this year. I didn't plant many this year, because I am still a newbie with growing garlic.

    1. Thanks Tricia, I hope your first garlic harvest is a success! Make sure you post it..

  5. I too have just started to harvest my music garlic and made pasta sauce today using several cloves. This was the first time I have grown garlic. Your harvest looks wonderful.

    1. Congrats on your first garlic harvest! The garlic will store all year as long as you cure it.

  6. I'm eating my Sungolds before they get in the house. They can't ripen fast enough for me! Wow, that's a heck of a broccoli harvest! Mr. Granny wouldn't want to be married to you, LOL!

    1. Granny, those little sweet sungolds are definitely a treat! You better share a few with Mr. Granny!

  7. You must eat a lot of Broccoli! Nice harvest of garlic and lucky son that you share it with! My peas are done too I think. Got a few extra to freeze so was happy about that! Nancy

    1. Nancy, we froze a lot of the broccoli for later use. It will definitely be a treat to eat this winter!

  8. Lots of strawberries for us at the moment :)

    1. Lucky you! Most of my strawberries are finished for the year!

  9. Nice garlic and hole garden!
    If you want seeds tomatoes from Romania, tell me!

  10. Wonderful harvest totals! Your garlic looks perfect too. We have not taken very good care of our strawberries lately, so not much of a harvest this year. 20 plus pounds is really enviable!

    1. Thanks NG, I'm going to have to tend to my strawberry plants this year.

  11. Excellent garlic harvest and amazing amount of peas too! Good work.

    1. Thanks Laura, we are enjoying peas every night for dinner. They are such a sweet treat!

  12. The garlic looks great, I need to pull mine!

    1. Thanks Vanessa, can't wait to see your garlic harvest!

  13. Great garlic harvest! I bet you are very busy with both a home garden and a community plot!

    1. Shawn Ann, I am so so busy with everything! I'm looking forward to a 4 day weekend so I can clean up my gardens at home!

  14. Yummy, yummy! All that garlic!! We're still waiting to pull ours, but not long yet I bet. Oh, how my life would be poorer for a lack of garlic! ;)

    1. BLD, one can't live without garlic.....just ask "The Italian"!!!

  15. Good garlic harvest this year! Our bulbs turned out a bit on the small side - yours look good-sized.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled the garlic. I really thought the heads were going to be small this year due to the lack of snow and rain

  16. Oh man, such gorgeous garlic!!!


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