
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Too Hot & Humid & Harvests

Geez, we sure are having some hot & humid weather here! Way too humid to go out and work in the garden. Yesterday I went to the plots and harvested the last head of broccoli, the first two heads of cauliflower and a few onions that had flopped over. By 9AM it was too hot and humid for me to, I went home.

"The Italian" and I had grand expectations of going to the plots at 6AM this morning to do some much needed work and pick some raspberries. The plots look like a jungle! Well, that didn't happen. Instead I went to the store and then spent a couple of hours pulling weeds in the perennial beds along the side of the house while they were still in the shade. I have no idea when I will get around to tackling the bed out front! It's totally overgrown and truthfully embarrassing. It will only take about an hour to do. Maybe I'll get to it one night this week after work since we really need to go to the plots tonight.

The last head of the Spring Broccoli & some side shoots
Nunzio "The Inspector General" checking out of first two beautiful heads of Cauliflower.These two are "Minuteman". They weighed in at 1 lb. 7 oz. each. I think they are the nicest heads I've ever grown!
Speaking of Nunzio.....he sure is getting big!
He had a blast yesterday playing with some toys I hung from the fan!
We've been getting some wonderful sweet Sungold tomatoes!
Most of them get eaten before they can be weighed or photographed.
The Onions are starting....and it looks like it's going to be a great year!
These are a few of the Walla Walla Onions. My largest so far has been 8.5 oz. I know they aren't as big as Granny has grown......but, they are great for me! I planted three varieties of storage onions; Copra, Candy & Red Wing. A few of the Copra onions have been harvested. Only a few of the onions have been weighed so far. I planted 370 onions total. I guess there won't be a shortage of onions this year!
Tomorrow will be Harvest Monday over at Daphne's Dandelions. Hop on over there and see what's happening in gardens around the globe!


  1. Your harvest looks wonderful - love the cauliflower and onions and can only drool over broccoli as all mine was eaten on stem by bunnies and groundhog. And you're right it's so humid and hot that it's impossible to do anything past first hour after sunrise.

    1. Thanks Jenny, it looks like the humidity is getting better. It better, I still have a lot of work to do at the plots!

  2. Such beautiful harvests. I'm so envious of the cauliflower. I got what I deserved for saying they are easy-peezy to grow. I had total failure on them this year-that will teach me! LOL!!

    Enjoy! I'm sure there will be some fine cooking going on in your kitchen!

    1. Sorry to hear about your cauliflower failure this year. Maybe you'll get a good fall crop. Yes, we sure have been enjoying that cauliflower!

  3. This weather is definitely making it hard to go down to my garden plots. I went down today to check on things and harvest some summer squash and cucumbers. I was there not even a half hour and I was drenched. Yuck! Beautiful harvest Robin!

    1. Tricia, I still haven't done the work I wanted to at the plots. I did pull some more onions tonight though!

  4. You can go ahead and brag about your Walla Wallas, as mine were disappointing this year. It looks like I'll get about 1/3 of last year's harvest weight, but my son brought over about 20 pounds so I'm sure we won't run short! Lovely cauliflower and broccoli. I have yet to grow a decent head of cauliflower, and that's one veggie my husband loves :-(

    1. Granny, I am so thrilled about the onions this year. Last year was a total failure. It looks like I'm only going to get 2 more decent heads of cauliflower. I think the rest of the plants won't produce. Hopefully, the fall varieties will do better.

  5. Your broccoli, califlower, tomatoes and garlic are wonderful! And of course the kitty is darling! Too humid here also! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, Little Nunzio sure is a cutie pie!

  6. The weather is extremely hot making it difficult to be outside all day to work in the gardens. Do what you can do and don't stress, We're all gardeners and totally understand. Life keeps us all very busy.

    I love Nunzio, what a cutie!!!

    1. Sandy, The plants are, the weed whacking will just have to wait! Nunzio is a cutie.....I don't think Miss Banana thinks so though!

  7. Our weather was extremely hot, lately it's been too rainy. Hopefully you get to the plots soon!

    1. Don't you wish that Mother Nature would just cooperate a bit??? It would make our lives so much easier!

  8. It's lovely, sunny and warm here but not humid, Still was too hot to be out on the open on the plot though.

    1. Sue, The humidity has just been unbearable. Within 10 minutes you are just soaked!

  9. Hey Robin, hope you and hubby are doing well. The weather this year has been so strange. First wet and hot and humid.

    The broccoli looks fantastic by the way. I don't think I've even been able to grow crowns that big!

    Anyhow, stay cool! And the plot looks fantastic!

    1. Thanks Thomas, It's so nice to hear from you! We want to see some of you and Jonathan's clamming!!!

  10. yellow with envy over your sungolds, mine showing no sign of yellow yet. I am trying the candy and Wala Wala myself this year, curious if you see much of a difference?

    1. We sure are enjoying those little sungolds! Yours will be yellow before you know it! The Walla Walla are a sweet onion and much bigger then the Candy variety. The candy variety is great for long term storage. They are also a lot smaller.

  11. Ahh, as much as I love looking at garden stuff you know I am a sucker for kitties! I'll bet Nunzio is a load of fun to have around the house. Good to see you posting too. :-)

    1. I knew I would get a comment from you about our new little kitty! He sure does have a lot of energy!

  12. My goodness, those cauliflowers of yours are beautiful! I agree, it is going to be a great year for onions. Last year was terrible, but this year's crop up here are large and healthy and the tops are still straight and tall, so they have some more sizing up to do yet! Wishing my sungolds were ready like yours are, but right now they're about the size of peas. Beautiful harvest! And (I know I'm getting wordy here) I love your cute kitten and absolutely love his name!

    1. Thanks NG, last year was the worst year ever for onions and this year is going to be great! You just never know!

  13. Very nice! I like your inspector too! Cute!

    1. Thanks Shawn Ann, yes, he sure is a cutie and a handful too!

  14. I love sun gold tomatoes. We discovered them last year and really like them!! I'm jealous of your cauliflower, I've never had much luck growing them here in our dry weather.

    1. These two heads are my best ever. It looks like I'm only going to get 2 more heads from this planting. The rest did not form heads. Hopefully the fall will be better.

  15. I like your kitten harvest best! Darling!

    Sounds wicked hot and muggy there. You are managing around it as best you can though and the harvests look great. Envious of those beautiful onions. My onions are not going to be nearly as beautiful as the ones I grew last year - okay but not super big. I seem to go in cycles with growing onions. Wish I knew what the difference really was from year to year.

    1. I think we like the kitten harvest best too! This weather has been unbearable! I hope that this weather trend does not continue for the entire summer!

      I think the onions are dependent upon the weather. Who knows!

  16. What an adorable kitten!

    Heat and humidity makes for very unpleasant garden work. With my old garden being so shady, I could always find a cooler, shady spot to work in. Now that I've got plenty of sun, I can't handle working out there past 10 am. I'm thinking night weeding with a headlamp is the way to go!

    1. Julie, that sounds like a great idea! Crazy gardeners will do just about anything!

  17. You know it's hot when you throw in the towel at 9:00 am. I usually head out around daybreak or in the evening around 7:00 pm if my schedule allows. Your onions look great. I've added the Candy to my list for next season.

    1. That's the way to do it! We had a couple of better days and now it's back to the very humid and hot weather!


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