
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Busy day in the garden!

Yesterday was a busy day around here! The day started off with a successful trapping of a feral cat. I am a cat lover to say the least. I have two cats, Alvin and Miss Banana. This feral cat has been causing havoc in the neighborhood! He has attacked my cat Alvin two times in the past year and cost me $500. in vet bills! Alvin is a special needs cat. He is about 80% blind and has brain damage since birth.

This is Alvin enjoying our wedding reception at our home.

 We are trying to get everything ready outside before it's time to plant all of the peppers, the balance of the tomatoes, all of my flower pots and the other warm weather crops. My husband has been trying to get the deck pressure washed! He was only able to get a small area finished before "date night" last night. It's now raining and will continue to rain for about two days. We do need the rain!

I planted 107 onion seedlings! 30 Copra, 19 Patterson, 36 Redwing and 32 Prince. I still have 22 Redwing seedling left to plant. I can't plant those until the hubby is finished pressure washing the deck. The deck comes right up to the bed were they are going to be planted. That pressure washer will take them out in an instant!

I also planted some parsley, basil and marigolds. I companion plant, so there are onions everywhere there was a spot to put one! Hopefully the onions will do better then last year. We had a very wet spring and they were very small.

The Pak Choi is looking great. They did have an encounter with I believe slugs, when I first planted them. I added some diatomaceous earth and the nibbling has stopped. The Pak Choi is planted at both ends of the garlic bed.

The mixed lettuce is also looking good. I think that it is about time to thin it.

My favorite lettuce, Buttercrunch! I can't wait until it is time to eat it! Next year I will have to start some lettuce inside.

The snow peas are looking good. My English peas aren't doing as well as the snow peas. I guess I will have to try those rootrainers that Dan used this year for his peas. Hopefully we will enough peas to freeze this year. Last year, that darn groundhog ate 3 crops of peas! 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, hugs for little Alvin, and bless you for taking good care of a special needs animal.

    Your garden is looking great! You must be in about the same growing zone as I, our lettuce and peas are about the same, size-wise.


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