
Monday, April 26, 2010

Harvest Monday

I harvested two more heads of romaine lettuce last night. This lettuce made it through the winter under two feet of snow. We had a wonderful ceasar salad with dinner last night! Only two heads left :(

Ceasar Dressing Recipe

1-2 Cloves Garlic
1 Egg
1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/4 tsp. Dry Mustard
3 Drops Tabasco
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
3/4 tsp. Red Wine Vinegar
1 tsp. Lemon Juice
Pepper & Salt

Finely chop garlic, add remaining ingredients and blend well. I use a mini chopper/grinder. You could use a blender or food processor.

Top fresh greens with your choice of grated cheese, bacon bits, croutons or anchovies....what ever you desire! ENJOY!


  1. Beutiful winter survivors! Does a cover of snow make the lettuce taste sweeter?

  2. Angela, I think that it tastes a little more bitter. My dinner guests did not think so.

  3. Lovely harvest!

    I also had over wintered lettuce for harvest. It was not bitter. It is a different variety than this one...

  4. That romaine is lovely - and obviously hardy as well!

  5. That's amazing a romaine can survive under the snow and emerge so beautiful and green! Your Ceaser salad recipe sounds so good!

  6. Those are two beautiful heads of lettuce. I can't wait for my romaine to be ready to pick, but mine was planted in the spring so it will still be a while.

  7. I've not tried overwitnering romaine but now I will. I have seeded some red romaine that self sows. Maybe'll it'll give me some babies to experiment with.

  8. The overwintering of the romaine was not planned. We were going to make a cold frame for this bed last fall. We didn't have the time to build it. I think that I will seed it again this fall!

  9. I'll definitely have to try this recipe. Your lettuce looks amazing by the way.


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