
Friday, April 30, 2010

Tomatoes planted!!!

It seems as though the weather has stabilized.....I hope!! My garden helper and I planted the balance of our tomato plants in the garden today. I am not taking any chances with this crazy weather we have been having. So, all of the tomatoes that are not planted in the greenhouse bed are in Kozy Koats. My tomato plants were way too big and getting a bit stressed. Next year I am going to start the tomato seeds later.

Tomatoes planted to date:

1 - Brandywine
2 - Cherokee Purple
1-  Matt's Wild Cherry (my grandson's plant)
2 - Howard's German Red
2 - Unknown Italian - Seeds my in-laws got for me 4 years ago in Italy
2 - Lancaster County Paste
2 - Paulina
1 - Pineapple
1 - Eva's Purple Ball
1 - Tiffen Mennonite
1 - White Tomesol
1 - Winter Long Storage

My litlle helper and I also planted 4 tomatoes in large containers for my in-laws. These will be placed on their upper porch. Their garden gets way too much shade and the plants hardly produce anything.

I will do a complete garden update of this past week tomorrow.


  1. I actually have flowers on my tomatoes! It won't be long!

  2. Shelia: I have some flowers on a couple of my plants too....can't wait!

  3. Are you worried about crosspollination of all of these varieties?
    I’m asking this as I was planting different varieties last year close to each other, and now I’m worried that I don’t have an original variety seeds anymore.

  4. I have very little room and have to plant them close together. I purchase seeds from a women who I know has true heirloom seeds. Last year I did save seeds from some tomatoes I purchased at an heirloom farm. I am going to save some seeds this year from my plants. I guess I will find out next year.


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