
Saturday, May 1, 2010

This week in the garden

Happy Cabbage

This bed contains the broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and a few potato onions. They are doing great! This year I planted two varieties of broccoli, Walthan 29 and Calabrese (an Italian type) Early Snowball cauliflower and Chieftan Savoy cabbage. This is my first time planting potato onions. They look good. I hope that they are productive.

The pre-sprouting of some of the new seeds from Italy. Two tomatoes, San Marzano and Early Pack 7 and an eggplant variety Lunga Violetta Di Firenze. I have no idea where I am going to plant one of the two tomatoes. I am running out of room!

I started my squash and melons in pots. One pumpkin plant for my little garden helper, 4 Sweet Dumpling, 4 Spaghetti squash, 3 Cantaloupe - Muskmelon Kansas, 3 Cantaloupe - Organic Delicious and 2  Zucchini - Cocozelle Italian. I will direct sow my cucumbers and beans.

Two beautiful blooms on the clematis already!

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