
Saturday, May 8, 2010


I have a collection of about 30 different coleus plants.  Here are pictures of just a few that have started to take on their summer colors. I plant the coleus' with other annuals in the many pots that we place on the deck and porch.

Fire Dragon

Religious Rutabaga

Kiwi Fern

Giant Fantasy


Lime Light

Trailing Red


  1. Those are gorgeous! I didn't realize they came in so many colors, shapes and patterns. If I were asked to pick a favorite, it would definitely be Giant Fantasy.

  2. They are all beautiful. I have one coleus plant (it looks a lot like the Fire Dragon). I keep it indoors and every few months I make new plants from cuttings. They root so easily.

  3. Thanks Granny, I'm glad that you like them. They will get prettier within the next month.

    Vrtlarica, Thank you...the Fire Dragon will get much deeper in color. I will take another picture when it is in full color and you can see if that is the coleus you have.


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