
Friday, May 7, 2010


All of the strawberry plants have little strawberries already!! Can't wait to eat them!


  1. Oh, I'm so anxious for mine to ripen! My favorite thing in the entire garden, and mine are so loaded with berries and blossoms. This is their second year, and I thought they did well in their first year!

  2. Granny, I can't wait either. This is the second year for mine also. The little helper and I just covered them with netting to keep the critters from eating them...more for us!!

  3. My strawberries look the same, lots of flowers and green berries. IN 2 weeks that will be sweet and red.
    I nedd to do a lot of weeding in my strawberry bed.

  4. Holy heck, that's a lot of baby strawberries on one plant. I hope you get a great harvest.

  5. vrtlarica, I can't wait!

    Thomas, I hope so too! I have about 20 plants and they are loaded!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of berries on the way. I hope you post a photo of the plants loaded with ripe fruit.

  7. Michelle, I will definetly post pictures of the strawberries when they are ripe. Hopefully, they won't ripen when we are away! Then the garden/house/cat sitter will get the first one!


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