
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Garden update...most really good...some not so good

The garden really took off while we were gone. Most plants look great. I do have a couple of issues though. ("The Italian" agrees)

Snow Peas...looking good
The snow peas are over 3 1/2 feet high and the english peas are over 2 feet high. I will be able to pick some snow peas tomorrow. favorite lettuce....looking good
All of the lettuce is doing well. We will be having some nice salads this week.

Little tomato....looking good

Tomato plants and basil.....looking good

Celery....looking good
I haven't grown celery for a few years and so far I pleased with their progress

Seed Onions......looking a haircut
I didn't plant any sets this year just seed and potato onions

Some of the pepper plants....looking a little tattered
The bottom leaves on some of the pepper plants are a bit yellow and some of the leaves are a bit tattered from the hail and the weather. I think that I will remove the bottom leaves. That always seems to make them grow better.

Cabbage, Broccoli and Cauliflower.......giant....too big!!
All of them bolted a bit. We have been having some really hot days. I removed some of the outer leaves and now the cabbage does seem to be forming heads. Some of the broccoli was getting ready to flower. So, I picked it. The cauliflower is starting to head despite their size. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will be planting another crop for the fall.

Some of the potatoes...not so good

I have no idea what is going on with some of the potato plants. At first I thought that they may have rotted, since I have never planted them in bags before. No, they are broken off way down. I have no idea what happened to them. There are no signs of an animal getting in to them. The only other thing I can think of is that when my son plays ball with my grandson. Maybe they kicked the ball onto or into them. I probably won't get any confessions. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas.


  1. Oh, I am sorry about your potato plants. I have no idea what could cause this.
    My peppers are also looking like this. I will add some organic fertilizer this weekend. That might give them a nice push.

    Peas, lettuce, onions, tomatoes - all looking great!

  2. Hmmmm...I don't know either but at least potato plants regrow pretty quickly, that is if there's nothing else affecting the plant. I tend to blame squirrels and chipmunks for everything.

    At least everything else looks good!

  3. MojVrt & Thomas: Thanks, I just found out what happened to the potato plants. There are holes in the sides of some of the bags and nothing left...not even one piece of potato inside!! There are also little tunnels in the ground nearby. I think that the voles got into them. My husband moved the bags onto the stones in the back garden. The bag there was not affected. I hope the rest survive. They took out about half of the plants!

  4. I'll bet it was voles that got the potatoes. They are pesky little varmints!

  5. Villager, I think you are correct about the voles. My cats have not been catching as many as usual this year. I hope that the relocation of the bags works.


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