
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What a difference a week makes!

What a difference a week makes! We got home early this morning and couldn't believe what I saw in the dark. The garden actually grew a foot! The tomatoes, peas and potatoes grew an entire foot while we were away. And guess what???? I have spinach and strawberries! Yes, I harvested 1 lb. 8 oz. of spinach this morning.

My first large spinach harvest ever!

There were only 8 oz. of ripe strawberries...that is, after I ate a few in the garden :)

Well, I think it is going to take me two days to get everything under control. The snow peas are 42" high, the english peas are 26" high, some of the tomato plants are 32" high!! The weeds grew too! I will post some more pictures soon.


  1. Even though being away from the garden for a few days is always stressful, seeing the growth when you return is well worth it.

  2. I know what you are taking about. I see my garden only on weekends and it’s always a surprise how much it grows.
    This weekend we might have our first strawberry harvest too!

  3. EG, I don't worry too much about the garden when we are away. The woman who stays here is a great gardener...but, this is the most it has grown in a single week!

    MojVrt, I think I would worry a lot if I only saw my garden on the weekends. You really have a big garden to tend to two days a week!


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