
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Bug Identification....PLEASE

My husband and I went over to my neighbor's to look at his quince tree this morning. We noticed these bugs all over the door to his studio. He leaves the country every summer for a few months and I keep an eye on the house. This door is directly across the alley behind my vegetable, I want to know if they are BAD bugs. I don't need any more bug problems this season. I really need to get a good bug book!


  1. I would like to help, but I have never seen these ones before. I hope they are the good guys.

  2. MojVrt, I hope that they are good too!

    GrafixMuse, I think that they may be Red Shouldered Bug which are related to the Boxelder. There are several different types. We usually get Boxelders later in the year. I don't want to kill them until I find out for sure.

  3. Leaf Footed Bug Larvae...BAD! They will feast on tomatoes, peppers & eggplant like crazy. I did a post on them last year, check it out: (many people mistake the adult form to be beneficial soldier bugs but if you look closely they are not! These guys have legs almost like a grasshopper, and they do hop!)

  4. Thanks Erin....I just went over there and took care of it....bye bye BAD BUGS!!


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