
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Peppers & Garlic

All of the tomato plants have an abundance of fruit except for two. These two are from the seeds I received from Italy at the end of April. Below is a picture of my "Little Helper" helping with the planting of the last tomato plant. He is a big help. He always puts the eggshells in the hole and the ID tag next to the plant. We ran out of room in the, the last plant had to go in to a pot. Do you believe that I only paid $9. for that big beautiful flower pot?

That's one big pot for one special tomato!!

These cherry tomatoes have been on the vine for almost a month now......PLEASE GET RIPE!!

This is a cauliflower plant. I break the leaves over the head when it is about ready to be harvested. This bleaches the cauliflower to a nicer white.

This is cauliflower from one of the two plants that really really bolted. I had to pull the plant. As you can see, it was not going to produce a real head of cauliflower, just this button. I did harvest one really nice head of cauliflower so far this week. That picture will be posted on Harvest Monday.

The Paprika pepper plant has nice size peppers on it. This is my first time planting this variety. I plant cayenne peppers, dry them and grind them for cooking. I thought, why not plant paprika and dry and grind that too. I can't wait to see how it turns out. 

The garlic bed.
It looks like the balance of the Spanish Roja will be harvested this week. I dug some up this morning. It seems to be a little ahead of the other varieties.


  1. I have heard about putting leaves over cauliflower heads to keep them white. So it works?

    You have lovely tomatoes. Mine just started to set fruit. Give some time to those Italian ones. Maybe they just need more sun, just like these that I grow.

  2. I am growing cayenne peppers to dry this year. I never thought of growing paprika for the same reason. Such pretty peppers. Those cherry tomatoes look like they are just on the verge of their first blush.

  3. MojVrt, Yes, covering them does work. The Italian ones were just started much later. I started my other tomatoes in February.

    GrafixMuse, Word of advise, when the cayennes are ready to grind, cover your face with a towel or mask. I was coughing like crazy after I ground them. I surely hope that the tomatoes are on the verge of ripening. My "Little Helper" keeps checking them saying "eat eat"

  4. Love that gorgeous pot! This strange spring has made it challenging for broccoli and cauliflower.

  5. Everything looks so good. My tomatoes are in that same place. Not sure if we need a real heat blast or more time. It is early for us. I have been looking for a pot about that size.

  6. Hedbogle, The weather sure has made it challenging!!

    Johanna, Maybe another heat blast would do it....but, I don't like that severe weather. I bought that pot at Ollie's Outlet. I'm not sure if they have them in NJ. The pot is plastic. I saw them for $80. and up.....that's crazy!

  7. Well, you just educated me on cauliflower. Thanks!

  8. Everything looks beautiful! I love garlic digging time!

  9. EG, your welcome

    Thanks Erin, As soon as I dig the garlic...I will have more space!!!!

  10. My cauliflower is just starting to form a tiny head. I'll have to follow your trick when it comes time to bleach the head.

    My peppers/chili are taking forever. They don't seem to be doing much of anything these days.

    PS - Your son's a cutie pie!

  11. Thanks a lot for the cauliflower tip, I'll make sure to follow your advice.

    You almost have peppers and tomatoes now, how lucky! Mine will take a bit longer.

  12. Thomas, My peppers are kind of slow too. The only pepper plants that have peppers of size is the Paprika and Cayenne. The rest of the plants are just starting to form little peppers.

    PS...that cutie pie is my grandson :)

    Your welcome Angela, I really wish the tomatoes would get ripe


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