
Friday, June 18, 2010

Daylilies Part 1

I have many varieties of daylilies in the perennial beds that I just love and wanted to share. I think that there are about 20 different varieties. As they bloom I will post more pictures, most likely in 3 parts. Many of the lilies have been split and added to gardens at my son's home and in the perennial bed between our houses. Now that I have the time I am going to take pictures of them and try to identify them. A few of the lilies I brought here with me and others were purchased here and there. At one time many of the lilies did have tags on them. However, all of the tags have seemed to disappear. If anyone can identify any of them......please let me know.

I have had this daylily for many years. It is medium/tall in height.

Pandora's Box

I have also had this daylily for years. It is quite tall.

Medium height

Medium height

Medium height

Medium/Tall in height

Stella Dora


  1. Daylilies are amazing in their variety, aren't they? Thanks for the beautiful photos!

  2. Thanks Johanna

    Your Welcome Angela, I'm happy that you enjoyed them

  3. When I see pictures like these, I know I need to focus more on growing flowers. They all look pretty. Sorry I can’t help with any of the names...

  4. MojVrt, All of the flowers in the ground here and at my son's are perennials. Once they are planted there's not much tending to, except for the occasional thinning. I do have a lot of flower pots on the porch and deck though. They contain all of my coleus plants and other annual flowers. I just love my flowers!!

  5. Oh gosh, your lilies are just so pretty. We bought three of them from the local nursery this year, but the blooms only lasted a week or so. Do lilies grow taller every year? Ours were short (about 12-16 inches, I think), but I'm hoping they will grow taller over the years.


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