
Monday, June 21, 2010

Harvest Monday

This week I harvested the first two heads of cauliflower. They weren't that big. One head was 9oz. and the other 13oz. They are big enough for "The Italian" and I for dinner though. Considering the weather we have had, I am happy that they were as big as they are. I also harvested my first carrots. Three small ones, just enough for our Father's Day salad. The balance of the spring lettuce was harvested. I have planted some more lettuce. However, we will be a few weeks without lettuce. The snow peas seem to be having a second wave of production and the English peas are slowing down.

I managed to pull twenty more heads of garlic. Most of the garlic harvested was the Spanish Roja. I will be able to harvest the sixty plus heads remaining this week.

First two heads of cauliflower

The largest strawberry so far this year, 1 oz.
A lot of the strawberry plants have slowed down in production. Hopefully the Alpines will pick up as the season moves forward!

20 heads of garlic.

Harvest Total: 7.8125 lbs.

Carrots: 2 oz.
Cauliflower: 1 lb. 6 oz.
Garlic: 3 lbs. 7 oz.
Herbs: 6 oz.
Lettuce: 1 lb.
Peas: 8 oz.
Snow Peas: 8 oz.
Scallions: 4 oz.
Strawberries: 12 oz.
Tomatoes............One little itty bitty cherry tomato :)

Please stop by Daphne's Dandelions, the host of Harvest Monday, to see more harvests!


  1. That is a big strawberry! Was it as sweet?
    Last year I got only one or two cauliflower heads. I hope this year it will be better harvest.

  2. OMG look at all that garlic!!!!! I pulled a head over the weekend but mine are not quite ready yet :/ I just ran out too from last years harvest.

  3. Wow! Those are really good sized heads of garlic. Congrats! I think ours need a couple of more weeks in the ground.

  4. Nice harvest! I love garlic!

  5. I think those are mighty fine cauliflowers and yes that is a monstrous and tasty looking starwberries.

  6. Oh my goodness....that cauliflower looks scrumptious!

  7. MojVrt, Yes, my husband said the strawberry was very good. I hope that you make out better then last year with your cauliflower.

    Allison, I planted about 85 garlic plants. My husband is Italian and does most of the, we use a lot of garlic. We still have about 6 heads left from last year.

    Thomas, The garlic grows very well for me here.

    Thanks Erin, we do too!

    OG & EG, Thanks a bunch...they were very tastey!

  8. Your garlic looks great! I have never grown cauliflower but may give it a shot in the fall.

  9. I'm also a few weeks without lettuce. I hope the new seeds will grow fast, both for you and for me.

    Nice garlic, the Spanish Roja produces good sized heads, doesn't it?

  10. Oh look at all that garlic. I loved last year. I cured the garlic in the garage and everytime I walked in the place smelled of wonderful garlic.

  11. That strawberry is huge! And gorgeous! Mine aren't producing well yet, but I don't expect them to until next month.

    Last year my cauliflower was a bust. I tied the leaves over them for blanching, but when I checked on them they had already bolted. We got one small meal from (I think) 4 plants.

  12. Your garlic looks great and the cauliflowers look perfect - I'm jealous!! I tried to grow 4 different cauliflower varieties last winter - the plants were big and healthy but it was too warm here for them to flower.

  13. debiclegg, Go ahead and give it a shot. It's always fun to plant something different. I'm going to plant more this fall.

    Angela, I'm glad that I'm not the only one without lettuce. This was my first year growing the Spanish Roja. The heads are a nice size. But, my misc. garlic (the garlic that I grew last year and mixed the varieties up when I cured them) is bigger.

    Daphne, The garlic does smell wonderful!

    Thanks Granny, I hope that the alpines start producing larger berries. I started the strawberry bed last year and I think that I planted 3 different varieties (it's a long story for another day)

    It seems that cauliflower is very dependent on the weather or luck...maybe both!

  14. That is some nice looking garlic! Your cauliflower is as big as mine, and enough for a meal or two. And I'm like you, considering our weather I was happy to get any at all. I'll try again this fall.

  15. Thanks Jane, you may not be able to grow cauliflower...but, you sure can grow a lot of other fruits and veggies that we can't grow here.

    Villager, My garlic always seems to grow nicely here. I'm happy to hear that your cauliflower is the same size as mine.

  16. Nice cauliflower and look at those garlic, yum! Spring cauliflower doesn't work for me, maybe I'll try again in the fall.
    That's a mighty nice strawberry you have there.

  17. Mac, I'm going to plant the cauliflower again in the fall as well. I am hoping that it will do better then.

    Thanks Ribbit...wait until you see the garlic that I harvested this morning :)


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