
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Blossoms & Blushing Brides

There are a lot of blossoms and blushing brides in the garden!

The eggplants are finally blossoming

It looks like the zucchini boys are the only ones coming out to play so far.

There are a lot of blushing brides in the tomato department.
These are Tiffen Mennonite tomatoes.

Is it a blossom or a blushing bride?
I think we have a baby!!


  1. Look at those heirlooms go! They will be wonderful very very soon!

  2. Oh goodie, you've got blooms, so it won't be long now!

  3. Isn't this all amazing. I have had three eggplants with two more around the corner and zucchini already. Nowhere near getting a tomato like you did last week. My nasturtiums are just beginning to bloom also.

  4. Just a few more sunny days and that tomato will be ready for harvest!
    Eggplants have lovely flowers.

  5. Erin, Heirlooms are the only type of tomato that I plant...they are so good :)

    EG, Can't wait :)

    johanna, My tomatoes are extra early :)

    MojVrt, I think that tomato may be ready's a pink variety :)


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