
Friday, July 2, 2010

Daylilies Part 2

Here are some more pictures of my beloved daylilies.

Medium/Tall height

Medium height

Very small short lily

 Medium/Tall height

Medium height

Medium/Tall height

Medium height

Medium height

Short height


  1. They have most beautiful colors! You sure have a lot of flowers in the garden!

  2. Lilies are the best. Our lilies came and went. Can't wait to see them again next year.

    Some of our seedlings are still on the back porch. I planted 1/2 of them and 2 died when I got them into the ground. It was just too sunny and dry for them to survive. Others are doing well.

  3. MojVrt, I have several perennial flower beds between our house and my son's house. These are just the daylilies. I really enjoy flowers :)

    meemsnyc, I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the lilies.

    Just a note, when you plant seedlings...plant them when the sun is not shining on the spot (early morning or evening). If it is extremely dry, I alway water the site first.

  4. I see you love Hemerocallises too. They are really beautifull. Wiev my blog if you please, and see my hemerocallises.

  5. Love the day lilies. I used to have more variety at my old house, but mostly the orange ones here. I'm slowly adding more especially the ones the deer don't love.


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