
Thursday, July 29, 2010

I won the prize.....for

... the SMALLEST onions!! This is the first year that I grew them from seed. They are pretty pathetic. I usually plant some sets and some purchased plants. Nope, I decided to plant all of them from seed!! Hopefully, the potato onions I planted in the fall will do much better.

Wow, look at that weight!


  1. Hmmm... what tasty dish are you going to make with them?

  2. They look like shallots, so you shall call them such and no one will be the wiser LOL! I am sure they still taste YUMMY!

  3. Sorry about the onions. We had a pretty dismal harvest too. Small onions all around.

  4. Well, I actually consider it quite an accomplishment, because Mine didn't make it last year...

  5. It sounds like a lot of garden bloggers have the case of "small onions" this year. I grew my yellow onions from sets this year, and the few that I've pulled up so far have been pretty small, probably even smaller than yours. I'm going to keep the rest in the garden and just pull a few whenever I need them. If I'm lucky, maybe they will even get a little bit bigger!

  6. Meredehuit, I am going to use the onions to make another batch of canning salsa.

    Erin & Nartaya, That's a good idea. Shallots they are!!

    meemsnyc, I think that our weather out here may have had something to do with the onions.

    Thanks EG, These are the smallest onions I have ever grown.

    Minji, I had to pull these onions. The tops had died.

  7. My spring onions might compete with those; they make chives look like oak trees at present!

  8. This is my first year growing onions from seed and I think mine will be in close competition for the prize as well.

  9. I'm not very good at growing onions. I planted some seed for little green onions a month or two ago, and I can see a few, but not many. I agree that you should call them shallots. Enjoy them, either way!

  10. IG, GM & Lori: I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one!! Maybe we should have a competition :)

  11. They are very small, but I’m sure that they will be very tasty!
    Last year my onions were so small that I didn’t even wanted to harvest them. This year I have given them much more attention and I think that they are very nice size.

  12. Oh no! I have some as small as marbles, you are not the only one! I have been using them anyways and they are just fine. I think my problem was growing them too closely though! Ahh, you grow and learn!


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