
Monday, August 2, 2010

Harvest Monday

It was another great week for the garden! I harvested almost 29 pounds of tomatoes. Most of my tomato plants aren't looking real good. They are getting a lot of yellow leaves that then die. I had to pull out one of the plants earlier in the week. I don't know how long the plants are going to last.

The cucumbers are still coming in like crazy. I harvest over 7 lbs this week. Most of the celery was starting to turn yellow on the outer branches. So, I harvested 6 bunches, froze 3 lbs, gave one bunch away and have some in the refrigerator.

With all of the harvesting and canning this week, I didn't take a lot of pictures. The first Rosa Bianca eggplant was so beautiful and tastey. "The Italian" cooked it before I got a chance to take a picture!

4 bunches of Celery

A full bowl of Cherry Tomatoes
My "Little Garden Helper" wasn't around much this week. So, I managed to get a full bowl for us!

Harvest Total: 50.5 lbs.

Celery - 6.375 lbs.
Cucumbers - 7.375 lbs.
Eggplant - 11 oz.
Onions - 1.25 lbs.
     Bell - 2.625 lbs
     Hot - 14 oz.
Potatoes - 1.5625 lbs.
Strawberries - 15 oz.
Tomatoes - 28.8125 lbs.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions the host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests!


  1. Wow, your harvest looks amazing!

  2. Robin, 50 lbs of harvest in one week? And here, I'm trying to figure out what to do with my six tomatoes from the garden. :) I do think that you need to train The Italian better so that you can take pictures of your harvest and allow the rest of us to admire it, before he goes off to cook with it.

  3. That bowl of cherry tomatoes is very tempting! I was just back in your general area (Bethlehem/Kutztown) for a visit last week and it certainly was hot and later stormy - so I imagine that has been a bit of a challenge to keep everything watered and growing. We on the other hand have been heat deprived all summer so our challenge has been to encourage the heat lovers to produce despite the cool temps.

  4. Your celery and tomatoes look awesome Robin! I'm going to harvest and freeze most of my celery this week to free up space for fall veggies. It's amazing how well it freezes.

  5. My tomatoes do start to get brown leaves from the bottom, but ones on the top stay green. If you are getting that, than they might continue to produce until it gets too cold. So I rarely worry about that, it just looks ugly.

    Nice tomato and cucumbers harvest!

  6. Those tomatoes look very pretty in their shiny bowl! Good harvest.

  7. That's quite a haul of tomatoes! I know what you mean about the Rosa Bianca eggplant. Our first one wound up in a casserole before it had a chance to "pose". Looks like you got a lot of peppers too. Ours are slow to come on this year, but it won't be long now.

  8. The celery looks beautiful. I keep thinking I need to try it next year. I've never grown it, which is amazing since it is a vegetable I like and I've been gardening for decades.

  9. Almost 29 pounds of tomatoes! It seems that the tomatoes are producing well even if the plants aren't entirely happy. Your celery looks really good. I haven't tried growing that type of celery, only leaf and root celeries since they are less fussy.

  10. Oooohhh, your celery looks lovely. Mine began yellowing a bit too. I trimmed it up a bit at well over the weekend and froze some of the trimmings.

    Your bowl of cherry tomatoes is so beautiful! So sorry about the yellowing leaves on your tomatoes. Mine tend to get yellow leaves on the bottom that I trim off as the season progresses. Usually they are ok until frost. Have you tried to give them a shot of fertilizer or fish emulsion?

  11. 29 pounds of tomatoes sounds wonderful! I haven't tried growing celery but yours looks great.

  12. So what did you do with 29lbs of tomatoes?? The celery looks good, like it was naturally blanched.

  13. Love those pretty cherry tomatoes.
    My tomatoes comes in 1-2 at a time, just enough for a salad or for making one meal, so far I don't have to worry about canning anything yet.

  14. 29 pounds of tomatoes! I am so jealous. It seems your plants are treating you well even though they may be a little tired.

  15. thyme2, I managed to get pics of the eggplant I picked last night!

    Laura, Our weather here has been extremely hot this year. It's been much much better this past week though. So, what college is your daughter attending is our area? We have so many good schools nearby.

    Thomas, I was surprised how nice the celery freezes. It will be nice to have it available for the winter.

    MojVrt, My tomatoes are getting more yellow leaves then they should. I will just keep trimming and harvesting them.

    Villager, I harvested some nice orange bell peppers this week. The yellow and red are taking their time turning color though.

    Daphne, The celery has been easy to grow. I grew a "Golden - self blaching" from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange

    GM, I gave them some fish emulsion a couple of weeks ago. I think that I will give them some more today. Thanks for reminding me.

    Dan, I can a lot of tomatoes!! We use quite a bit over the winter. The celery is a self-blanching variety from Southern Exposure.

    Thanks Everyone:)



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