
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No Zucchini Here this Year!

I only plant one zucchini plant every year. There are two reasons for, I don't have the room and two, how much zucchini can two people eat? The plant has been growing really well. However, it wasn't setting any fruit. This past week, it was not looking well at all. I told "The Italian" yesterday, I am going to go rip it out! With knife in hand I cut it down. Look what I found!

I stabbed that worm with a knife!
Now I have room to plant something else there.


  1. I didn’t see the worm unil I enlarged photo. It's ugly! Too bad about the plant.
    Last year we had 5 zucchini plants and we couldn’t eat all the fruit. This year we have only one and it is enough.

  2. Planted only one also. It was not doing anything for the last two weeks so i cut half of it out to make more room for the cucumbers. i didn't find a SVB but all of sudden the other half is setting fruit.

  3. SVB got both of my zucchini this year, and didn't get a single fruit....

  4. MojVrt, One plant is plenty for 2-4 people.

    johanna, I'm happy that yours is providing you with some fruit. We have a local organic farm market here on Sundays. We will buy our zucchini there. They are not expensive at all.

    EG, Well, I guess I'm not the only one. You would have been proud of me when I stabbed that SVB!!

  5. UGH! I am so glad I have yet to experience a squash vine borer, and I hope I never do. Wish you were closer, I'd share -- this morning I staggered back to the house with over 5 lbs of squash, mostly zucchini!

  6. Oh yes, we are a deranged bunch! Savor the victory!

  7. Oh, we have had tons of those stinkin SVBs! I actually had one making a circle in the bottom of my pumpkin, I took the scissors and cut him out! I think the pumpkin is still usable. It is almost ripe. I hate those little buggers though!

  8. Nice one on stabbing the worm. I'd have stabbed it, then shot it, then burned it, then rounded up all of its friends and done the same to them.

  9. Ali, Last year was the first time that I had an SVB. I don't know if it is worth it for me to plant zucchini. We have such limited space and they are readily available at the local organic farmers market.

    Erin, we certainly are!!

    Shawn Ann, Those SVB's are just horrible little creatures!!

    IG, It gave me such satisfaction!

  10. Ugh! How incredibly frustrating. Sorry about the worm!

  11. Garden bloggers are wonderful people who cheer you on when you eliminate those ugly garden pests. Add me to the list of your cheerleaders - yay!

    I've only gotten ONE zucchini out of my three plants this year. I've been blaming powdery mildew, but who know what lurks inside the stems...

  12. Late to the party but I'm also suffering miserably from these worms this year. I planted about 10 squash plants and every one has had an issue with worms. I put collars around some and that seemed to help a little, I've also seen where you can wrap the bottom of the plant with panty hose so the little stinkers can't get into the plant. Next year, always next year.


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