
Monday, August 23, 2010

Harvest Monday

First, I have to apologize for not answering any questions from last week's Harvest Monday. I was not available most of the week. I know that a lot of you were very curious about the Winter Storage Tomatoes. I will definitely write an update on them soon.

The purple pole beans are finally coming in at a normal pace. Since I was not here much last week, I only harvested a little over 2.25 pounds. I had to throw out about 5 pounds that got too big. The tomatoes are really slowing down with almost 13.5 pounds harvested. It looks like we will be having a lot of  "Matt's Wild Cherry" tomatoes for some time though. That plant puts out about 100 fruits every other day. There is also a volunteer of the same variety growing by the compost bin. That will keep "The Italian" happy, since he has a bowl every morning with his breakfast. They are definitely the sweetest cherry tomato I have ever tasted.

All of the eggplant are doing really well. I harvested 6 this week and there are many more on the plants. The cantaloupe and muskmelons have been picked. We were pleased with the flavor of the cantaloupe this year. They were all nice & juicy. The first one was not as sweet as the others. All and all they were quite good. We have yet to taste the muskmelons. I will let everyone know how they tasted a little later in the week.

There were a few bell peppers picked and frozen this week. They are really taking their good old time this year. The hot peppers are a different story though. They are coming in like crazy. I think that we will be in good shape with them for the winter.

Some of this week's harvest

Harvest Total: 30 lbs. 14 oz.

Beans - 2.375 lbs.
Eggplant - 4 lbs.
Muskmelons - 9.4375 lbs
     Bell - 1.1875 lbs
     Hot - 8 oz.
Tomatoes - 13.375

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions the host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests!


  1. I feel so bad when I have to throw out veggies that have overgrown. Luckily, there is more to come.
    It looks like your garden is still producing nice volumes and a variety of vegetables. Mine has slowed down, but fall apples and pears are on their way to ripen.

  2. What a nice collection of summer veggies and melons! The eggplant looks beautiful. I am the only one that likes it in our house and even at that a little goes a long ways for me, so I just don't bother growing it as I cannot use the harvest it provides. They are such a pretty plant though and it is fun to see such a nice example of them in your harvest.

  3. Those are some beautiful eggplants, and it's great that your beans are doing well. Mine have completely stopped for the year....

  4. Those eggplants look great, I just wonder what you do with all of them?

  5. What beautiful eggplant, that's one vegetable that probably didn't mind the heat. I think I'm finally going to be able to harvest a few decent sized ones off my plants, 'bout time.

  6. MojVrt, The garden is still producing quite well. I was not happy that I had to throw out all of those beans.

    Laura, We just love eggplant here. Before we were married, I used to come home from work, fry eggplant & sprinkle cheese on it and have eggplant & wine for dinner!

    EG, It took forever for my beans to start producing!

    Kaytee, We cook some fresh and I also freeze sliced eggplant for the winter.

    Michelle, It seems that the eggplant and peppers really liked the hot summer we have had. They both look very healthy and happy.

    Thanks Emily, we are enjoying them

  7. Beautiful harvest. I picked my first bell peppers this last week and I so loved them. I wish I had more. I won't have enough to actually freeze them. I'll eat the few I have and then they will be gone.

  8. Your eggplants look so great! Lovely harvest as usual.

  9. Love all the different shades of purple veggies. When you say, "before you were married," does that mean you can't do eggplant and wine for dinner anymore??

  10. Gorgeous harvest! Love the eggplant!

  11. Beautiful picture of your harvest. Love those eggplants and purple beans.

  12. Very nice harvest this week. Love the different shades on the eggplant. I enjoy my bell peppers, and never seem to have enough!

  13. Lovely eggplants! I have a couple Rosa Bianca coming in now but I have no idea what I'll do with them since it's not ever a veggies on top of our grocery list.

    I guess I'll dry them. It would be hard to screw them up that way!

  14. Thanks Daphne, Too bad you won't have enough peppers to freeze for the winter.

    Minji, Yes, we can have eggplant & wine for dinner now. "The Italian" usually likes to cook though.

    Thomas, You can slice them and freeze them. I slice them, put them on waxed paper on a cookie sheet. When they are frozen, put them in a freezer bag.

    Nartaya, Holly, mac & Lori, Thanks a bunch :)


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