
Monday, September 6, 2010

Harvest Monday & Happy Labor Day

Hello to all my fellow bloggers!! I know...I have been MIA for the past two weeks. There has just been so much going on around here....even the garden was neglected!!

The tomato plants are actually looking better then they did a month ago. Their fruit production has slowed down. However, they are still producing quite a bit. I harvested almost 30 lbs in two weeks. I think that it would help if I would water them every once in awhile. We haven't had any rain here for weeks.

The bell peppers did not do as well this year as they did last year. (Some watering may have helped them too). I did harvest almost a pound and a half in the past two weeks. The eggplant are still producing and have still have some babies on them. I think that I will get quite a few more before it gets too cold for them.

The most neglected plants have been my purple pole beans. They were not picked for over a week. So, several pounds went in to the compost bin. Some of my dry beans are starting to dry already. I think they will be completely ready in about two weeks.

Sunday's Harvest
A little of this and that

The Kitchen Island
The tomatoes aren't as pretty as they were....but, they still taste great!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions the host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests!

Harvest Total - 36 lbs. 15 oz. (two weeks)

Beans - 1 lb. 14.5 oz.
Cabbage - 10 oz.
Eggplant - 2 lbs. 15.5 oz.
Onions - 4 oz.
     Bell - 1 lb. 1 oz.
     Hot - 5 oz.
Tomatoes - 29 lbs. 14 oz.


  1. Your harvests look lovely as ever. Those round eggplants are amazing.

  2. Nice to see your post again, Robin! Your garden apparently produces well even when you're busy with your non-garden life!

  3. I just love all the colors of the heirlooms, my favorite thing to look at!

  4. I just love all the colors of the heirlooms, my favorite thing to look at!

  5. What a colorful and festive harvest! The counter top of tomatoes is impressive. Well done!

  6. What a bounty. Such a colorful display, all look so yummy. Giving you a pick too.

  7. Beautiful colanderfull of produce! I too didn’t as many peppers as last year.

  8. Beautiful picture of "A little of this and that"! Amazing color of those bell peppers.

  9. Oh the tomatoes look pretty to me! And the peppers and eggplant and the pretty ruffled savoy cabbage all look great.

  10. What a beautiful harvest from Sunday. Those eggplants are really nice. And you are so right, tomatoes (and other veggies) don't have to look great to taste great (though yours look pretty good to me).

  11. Oh, whatever!! ;) It all looks great to me! The colors are amazing!

  12. Looks wonderful. The lack of rain has been a real killer. I can't tell if it is the heat or lack of water that really is the problem. My tomatoes have sparked up again but I don't know if they will get big enough before the cold weather hits. Everything else is so impressive.

  13. Looks like a great harvest. What kind of eggplants are the round puple and white ones?

  14. Oh, everything is so pretty and colorful! I had a lot of eggplant that tasted terrible, so my plants got pulled. Maybe I should have kept them just for pretty pictures ;-)

  15. What a nice colander tapestry :-)

  16. You've been absent lately Robin. Hope you're doing well!


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