
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I bet nobody has one of these....

I have been wanting to post a picture of this for some time now.
Does anyone know what it is???
 It looks like some mid-evil weapon or torturing device!!

It's my canning jar lifter!! I found it a few years ago when we were cleaning out my grandfather's home. I bet it's as old as the pitch fork!


  1. My guess would be a can opener, with this round part.
    It does look old.

  2. Love old tools. They are beautiful.

  3. How neat, I never would have guessed! I've never seen a jar lifter like that before.

  4. That's awesome! You should display it somewhere in your kitchen.

    I would have guess it belongs to some 19th century gynecologist.

  5. That was a bit crass. Sorry! haha.

  6. I was going to jar opener, based on the zig-zaggy teeth in the round part...didn't think lifter though until I looked below the photo. Nice find!

  7. MojVrt, Yes the middle can be used to open canning jars.

    Thomas, All of us here have said the same thing. I didn't think that I should post that though!

  8. Robin, lovely. I love vintage pieces such as this especially when it comes from family. I have an old wooden handled wire stretcher that was my grandfathers and some wheels from a handmade loom of my grandmothers... displayed on a high shelf in the kitchen.

  9. wow...they should sell them at William Sonoma!

  10. That's a cool tool. I have a modern on that I just had to super glue the handle back onto. We are so advanced now... :-)

  11. Love, love old tools. Nice family heirloom.

  12. Wow, that's some impressive looking piece of tool.

    Thomas, I actually crossed my legs after reading your comment. :-)

  13. Hi Robin,

    For the fall, in addition to snow peas, we are growing buttercrunch lettuce, radishes, carrots, and cucumbers. I started the cucumbers a little late, so I don't know if it'll make it.

  14. oooooh, I should have known, I just finished canning some pepper jelly tonight. I was thinking along the lines of what Thomas was thinking.

    Your daughter Emily Jean was a beautiful young lady.

  15. Wendy, That's what we all say around here about that tool! I'm glad that we aren't the only people who think that's what it looks like!

    Do you believe that the beautiful young lady sang opera with a voice that sounded like she was 40? I took that picture of her before she left to sing at the convention center in Philly. Thanks so much


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