
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Squash & Cantaloupe

The other day I was checking the Spaghetti Squash and my "Little Helper's" pumpkin plant. They are planted at the end of the herb garden and grow over the fence. I thought that the powdery mildew was taking it's toll. Oh was those darn SVB's!!!!! There were so many in the vines that I had to pull all of them! There were only two small  Spaghetti Squash and no pumpkins. I brought the squash in the house...hopefully they will ripen inside. I was so upset that I didn't even take pictures. I have never had this problem before. This year they have gotten everything!!

The cantaloupe and muskmelons vines are also dying. They are not infested with SVB's though. I think that it's the weather and the powdery mildew taking it's toll on them. There are at least 8 good size melons on the vines and a couple are almost ripe. So, I'm going to leave the vines in until I harvest them.

One of Two Cantaloupe that are almost ready!

The vines dying off

One of the Muskmelons


  1. I've been meaning to try growing melons, but always chicken out. yours are gorgeous!!

  2. That cantaloupe looks wonderful! How do you know when is harvesting time?
    It's too bad you had all this pests problems; well at least you got one squash, better than none.

  3. I'm so sorry! SVBs get my zucchini every year, but this year they have gotten everything. Next year I'll be putting remay over everything until they start to blossom.

  4. SVB's and powdery mildew...oh no! So sorry for your troubles. Here's wishing you get to enjoy some harvest.

  5. Those are gonna be some nice melons! It's sad when powdery mildew and the bugs take over.....

  6. Uhg I know the feeling! My plants are all but dead out there, but there are still a few pumpkins so I haven't ripped them up yet cause I am hoping they will ripen despite the svb's and the squash bugs. But they are going fast! It is tempting to light the whole area on fire!

  7. Abigail, Just plant them. My mother (the real farm girl) always said that they were too difficult to grow. I just plant them....sometimes they are good and sometimes they are not.

    MojVrt, I pick them when they start to smell like they are ripe. I'm always afraid to leave them out there too long.

    The Mom, I guess that I have learned my lesson this year. Next year I will put collars around them.

    Meredehuit, It looks like we will be enjoying some melons.

    EG, I just picked the one smells so good

    Shawn Ann, It's amazing how these things bring out the beast in us gentle gardeners :)

  8. Most of my vines look similar, dying and yellowing leaves. I really do think it is the heat. i have not been watering as often as I should. Never planted melons but there is always next year. Enjoy the sweet smelling one.

  9. My melon vines are looking the same right now. It happens to me every year but they usually hang on until the melons are ripe. Usually my cucumbers have powdery mildew as well, but this year I am growing them trellised in a SFG and it doesn't seem as bad.

    So sorry about the SVB. That is so disappointing.

  10. johanna, I think that we will be able to salvage the 8 melons that are on the vine. I picked the one this morning and it will be ready to eat tomorrow. "The Italian" tried to eat it for lunch! Yes, I think the lack of rain is a contributing factor. Hopefully, we will get rain tomorrow!!

    GM, I always trellis my cucumbers, due to lack of space. They are doing pretty well.

  11. Oh I wish those pesky SVB would just leave your vines alone! I got pretty attached to my zucchini plants, because I only had three in my garden, and it kinda hurt my feelings to have to pull two of them due to powdery mildew death. The last one is pretty much done, too, but I think it's having one last go at growing one more zucchini - it would double my zucchini harvest for the year! (I know, only ONE so far)

  12. I've never had a muskmelon before. What does it taste like?

  13. thyme2, I wish they would too! Oh well, next year I will make sure I put a collar around them.

    meemsnyc, This is my first year planting the muskmelons. The seeds are an old heirloom variety. They should taste like cantaloupe or honey dew.

  14. My vines are dying too. Hopefully it wouldn't impact the fruit!

  15. My cantaloupes are still green, yours look great!


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