
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Cold Frames before the Storm

What a change in weather from the past couple of days. I just looked at the cold frame thermometer and it was reading 46 F. So, I decided to go out and open them up for some fresh air and remove the snow before our next snow storm tomorrow. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. I only had a sweat shirt on and it felt warm. When I came in to down load the pictures I took, I was surprised to see that the outside temperature is only 29 F!! It feels like Spring to me!!

The veggies and the weeds in the cold frames look very happy.

Pak Choi

Dill, Pak Choi, Collards and some Kale in the back.
I'm going to cut some of the dill to make beans with dill sauce that vrtlarica posted here.

Rainbow Chard and some weeds.
I didn't realize how big some of the weeds are until I looked at these pictures.
I guess that I better go back out and pull them.


  1. So not looking forward to that snow tomorrow. At least you had some sun. We did not. The cold frames look very good.

  2. It gives me hope that maybe I can have cold frames in soon to have some fresh veggies!

  3. Spring in a box-what a welcome sight!

  4. Jane, I am so ready for spring. The long-term forecast says we are supposed to have a very mild March!!

    City Sister, I really wish that we would have had the cold frames finished and planted sooner....better late then never!

    Sue, It did look like spring in there!! Pretty soon those veggies are going to take off!

  5. Wow! Things are growing so well in the cold frame. Isn't it strange to think 29 degrees F is balmy? I would be happy with 29 right now :)

  6. You've got some awesome stuff growing in the cold frame!

  7. Wow, nice warm temps in your cold frame. Totally awesome!

  8. Snow snow and more snow here in Nebraska. We had another 4 inches this last weekend. I'm not sure what the total is but the piles are high around the driveway. It was in the 30s today and like you said once that would have been cold but it felt pretty nice with the sun out and no wind.

    I don't have winter gardening going on but I'm seriously thinking about it next year .... in my basement. :)

    Have a great winter day and it's only 55 days until spring.

  9. I hope you will enjoy that dill sauce! I didn't remember to grow sill this winter, actually, I didn't know that it can survive this cold temperatures.
    Sometimes it seems that only thing growing these days are weeds.

  10. Rachel, Isn't that crazy that 29 seemed warm!!

    Holly & Mimi, Thanks

    David, The sun was only out for a couple of hours and when it clouded felt cold!

    Mojo, I planted dill seed in that bed in the summer and it didn't really grow until, I left it in there and now I have a recipe for it..thanks!

  11. I wish I could do some weeding right now (how insane does that sound?) Really, I'm ready to rush over there and pull weeds around your yummy looking coldframe greens. The garden & cabin fever is reaching its peak.

  12. Eliza, I'm with you on the garden & cabin fever!!

  13. We've been warned of another snap of wintery weather on its way. Trouble is the weeds grow whatever!

  14. Those darn weeds don't care what season it is either, huh? :)

  15. Hey at least you have weeds to pull ;> I haven't shoveled out my tunnel so I've got nothing to play with outside. But then again it has been so cold that I've been happy to stay inside.

  16. Love your pak choi! I haven't tried to grow any yet, but want to. Your greens look great. Hope they survive the cold ok. I think I'll go over to vrtlarica and look at the dill sauce. Sounds interesting.

  17. Wanted to send you a quick note in hopes you will come peek at Cottage Flora Thursdays & possibly share a post!

  18. The greens look so good in the cold frame, I should setup my cold frame soon for hardening off seedlings.

  19. Wow...your seedlings look really good! Nice to see they are thriving within the micro-climate of your coldframe.


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