
Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Don't BEElieve it!

I moved here from the farm a little over six years ago. It's a very nice old-fashioned neighborhood with beautiful older homes and wonderful neighbors in the west end of a city.

You get the picture...I always enjoy taking walks around our neighborhood. One thing that I have noticed is that we have a lot of these...


Just two blocks from our home in the middle of our neighborhood is a restaurant.

I've always thought that it was an unusual place for a restaurant here in the middle of our neighborhood. It's a very cozy place that has very good seafood and of course oysters. This is where I buy our local honey.

The owner of the restaurant has hives and sells his honey. I can't tell you how many times I have walked down this street and never noticed this!!!

Do you BEElieve it???
He keeps his hives on the roof of the restaurant! I really have to wonder about myself sometimes...How in the world could I have missed these BEES??


  1. That is really cool. I love to see things like this.

  2. So so so so so cool. And I really hope they are easy to access (and that it is just as easy to leave on days when the bees feel grumpy).

  3. Oh yeah! In the city, lots of folks do this. Pretty cool, huh? Now you know where to put yours... :)

    They pretty well take care of themselves and well you know how good the honey is!

  4. AP Gal, I've never tended bees myself. We used to have a couple of hives at my mother's farm in the 80's. A friend of hers had them there. That just may be a project for next year! I could put them on the roof of my garage!

  5. OMG! Thank you for posting this. I have been wanting to get a hive but with my small space I just don't have the room. The roof! Why didn't I think of that. I have a nice flat roof! One more thing to add to my project list :-)

  6. Well we rarely look up. Things on the roof are pretty missable. I'm sure there are some pretty nice gardens on someones roof that I've never seen.

  7. I kept bees at my old place in the country. I'm thinking about doing it again. The honey is nice, and it means having your own personal pollinators. Bees are also pretty low-maint, which is always a plus.

    I'm guessing those hives must be on a sturdy roof, because they would weigh quite a bit when full of combs and honey!

  8. Oh my gosh! That is so beyond cool!! What a great source for local honey.

  9. That is so awesome! I suspect someone keeps bees near me as well. I always seem to have a lot of pollinators around during the growing season.

  10. What a neat discover in your very neighborhood!! Awesome!!

  11. I hope that bees are warm with all that snow around! Very nice place to keep bees.

  12. Very cool. And how nice to have a decent restaurant within walking distance!

  13. I've heard of people in cities keeping bees on rooftops. Some even create complete gardens on the roofs. I guess if we don't walk around with our noses in the air we'll never really notice what is going on on top of buildings.

  14. How neat to be able to purchase your honey so very close to home, I love that he has the hives on his roof.

  15. Wow. That's so cool! When I'm walking in the city, I usually have my head up my bum and don't usually notice what's going on around me. Your neighborhood sounds like a great area to live in.

  16. That is very neat, I like your neighborhood and the restaurant owner in it too. :)


  17. What a great idea! I don't think it would work for me though. Mr. Granny is afraid of heights, and I'd probably manage to fall off the roof! I'd think our dark colored shingles would get so hot they'd cook the bees. I am, however, thinking of eliminating my bird houses. The birds are really taking a toll on my garden. Maybe a bee house would be better ;-)

  18. Well isn't that just the bee's knees?!

  19. We are urban beekeepers, and currently have three hives in our tiny back yard.


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