
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Garden Plots Update

Since we had our first warm day in a long time, "The Italian" and I decided to go out to the plots. It has been so cold here. We had a snow and ice storm yesterday and the temperature is supposed to drop significantly over the next two days. We really needed to field measure the plots and assess what we are going to need. Well, much to our surprise, the plots are not the size they are supposed to be. They are 13' 6" deeper!! I am so so happy about this! This makes the plots 40' wide and 43' 6" deep.

I think that I have spent about two days laying out the beds and deciding what I am going to plant where and when. Well, now I have to re-think and re-plan the four large interior beds at the plots. So far I have added 10 tomato plants to one of the exterior beds and extended the strawberry bed by 13'. This really made "The Italian" happy. He really thought that we needed more then 30 tomato plants. Now we have 40! That should definitely give us enough tomatoes for the year.

So far, we have the plot plan laid out, materials list and the crops for the exterior beds decided upon. Now I will have to spend some time planning the crops for the large interior beds and updating the Excel worksheet. I really have to get this done, since it will only be a couple of weeks before I have to start some seeds. I also have yet to make the additional germinating table. I did, however, clean up the basement area where I germinate my seeds.


  1. Oh my-40 tomato plants. That's a LOT! We have trouble keeping up with 3.

    What a nice surprise to find you had more room. I'm sure you will put it to good use.

  2. 40???!!!!! LOL we are going to have to send in search & rescue for you come August & September!

  3. Wow, what a pleasant surprise. Another 400 square feet of garden. That is indeed a treasure. You are so fortunate to get two plots together and now actually bigger than you thought.

    Have great planning day.

  4. Sue, My in-laws will be taking a lot of tomatoes for their use over the, it shouldn't be too much.

    Erin, If the tomatoes over there grow like the ones just may have to. We will see what shape I can get the soil in.

    David, I had it all figured this! I will figure it out once again.

  5. It is so fun to plan the garden isn't it??

  6. What a great surprise! I can tell you're coming down with a case of spring fever!

    Just like a good book... the plot thickens!

  7. You are so lucky with those plots! The size is perfect to feed you with all the veggies that you need in a year!
    Italians and tomatoes - that is unbreakable bond!
    I am looking forward to your further updates!

  8. Mimi, Yes, it's better then Christmas!

    VP, Haha...the plot has definitely thickened! I have cabin fever and spring fever at the same time!

    Mojo, I am very happy with these plots. I think that they are better then the ones we thought we originally wanted. You are correct about those "Italians"!!

  9. That is fabulous! YOu are going to be able to grow an enormous amount of veggies there.

  10. One other thing you have to do - grow the plants!! :D

  11. TheMom, Yes we will! There's a lot of hard work ahead of us to get the beds set-up

    GLA, The growing of the plants will most likely prove to be the easier part of getting those plots going!

  12. What?! You had the nerve to say my project list was exhausting? Pshaw! :)

    40 tomatoes go go go go go!

  13. I am feeling twinges of tomato-envy! ;-)


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