
Monday, January 17, 2011

Overly Optomistic Harvest Monday 1/17/2011

I have been patiently waiting for the very very late planted greens in the cold frame to be ready. They really looked like they were starting to grow....or so I thought. We have just been longing for a REAL FRESH salad from the garden! Yesterday I decided to cut some lettuce for a nice "little" salad to have with our dinner consisting of a fresh roasted organic chicken marinated w/rosemary wine & garlic jelly, some frozen peas from the garden and baked local organic potatoes (since the voles ate mine last year).

Here it is....the tiny weenie little salad!! Weighing in at 1 ounce!
It sure did taste good though!!
This year, I will definitely make sure the winter greens are planted on time!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see more harvests from around the world!


  1. The same thing happened with my lettuce. I sowed it too late and now I can harvest only a very small leaves. Better planning for both of us next time.

  2. Small, but very beautiful! Love those greens-and looking forward to spring!

  3. My greenhouse is very limited right now also, and those few greens coming out of there are like gold. A few more weeks and we are back in business.

  4. A tiny harvest is better than no harvest! I would love some homegrown lettuce right now. Unfortunately I didn't brave through the snow to harvest anything this week.

  5. Mojo, I will definitely not miss planting the winter veggies on time this year!

    Sue, I can't wait for spring either!

    Jane, I'm sure that in a few weeks we will have more greens then we can eat!

    Thomas, The cold frames come right up to the low deck out back. I have about a 20' walk from the kitchen to the cold frames and the herb garden. I just shovel a little path and no tecking through the snow!!

  6. When the harvest is small, it seems to magnify the good taste. A harvest is a harvest. Still better than store bought!

  7. Have no fear! In just about three weeks time (assuming good sun availability to the cold frame) the greens will really pick up the growing pace as the day length and sun strenth starts really increasing. Imbolc (celebrated here as Ground Hogs Day) is the first of February which is the mid point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. At that point you are on the upswing to spring and it is amazing how plants start responding the closer you get to March 21st. You are all set to enjoy the phenomenon because your plants are in and rooted and ready to leap into growth!

  8. Your dinner sounds wonderful! With lettuce it won't take long before you'll be eating fresh harvested salads in the winter.

  9. Your little salad looks wonderful. Don't worry, good things comes to those who wait! I hope your veggies kick in soon!

  10. Your tiny weenie little salad looks fabulous, better tiny than none!

  11. VP, We haven't had a salad in a long time. I refuse to eat store bought, even the organic is not that good.

    Laura, I'm just impatient...I didn't plant them until the November 1st!

    Jane, Thanks, the dinner was wonderful! The days are getting longer it won't be long now!

    Holly, They are actually doing quite well since I planted them so late. Before you know it, I will be complaining that I have too much!

    Michelle, I's better then nothing!

  12. Yummy! I too have become spoiled by freshly grown greens. Fortunately I live in California so we don't need cold frames. I applaud your commitment! This weekend I made Italian Wedding soup and all the vegetable ingredients came from the garden...fennel, escarole, swisschard, leek. What joy!

  13. Most of my harvests have been small so far this year too but they all count and they all taste good!

  14. Awww! Cute salad! I'm enjoying your blog.

  15. I miss the fresh greens too - lucky you to have even a little salad from the garden!

  16. Small is beautiful and taste much much better when it's freshly picked.

  17. It might be small, but you have to appreciate all the more that way.

  18. That's one ounce more fresh salad leaves that we have at the moment!


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