
Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011 Tomato Varieties and planning update

Well, my tomato plans have changed a bit since I did this post. I had originally planned to sow 30 tomato plants consisting of 17 varieties. We are now going to sow 41 plants consisting of 20 varieties. First, 30 plants would not be enough for our family's needs. Second, Emily sent me seed for a wonderful sounding tomato called Purple Calabash. It's her how can I resist???

Third, I also found a local Heirloom Seed Project at Landis Valley Museum where I purchased two additional varieties, Reigart Plum & Belgian Beauty. "The Italian" and I were watching PBS a few weeks ago and saw a program on Landis Valley Museum. We have never been there and truthfully didn't know of it's existance. It is about 60 miles from where we live. The museum is dedicated to Preserving Pennsylvania German Culture. I really wish that I had known about their seed project earlier. They have a lot of Pennsylvania Heirloom seeds available to purchase. I was as good as I could be and only purchased a few things that I absolutely "Needed"!!........well, basically "Wanted".

This week I will be germinating the ten plants that will be sown here at the house. These plants will be sown in the ground early, probably in early April as I did last year. Four of them will be sown in the bed where we will place the greenhouse over and the other six will be in Kozy Koats.

The "Kozy Koats" worked out very well last year and I was able to sow the tomato plants in the ground about 5 weeks earlier then normal.

The balance of the plants for us and others will be germinated in mid-March. I do not want to go through what I did last year. Last year I had started all of the tomatoes in February and they go so big it was a real pain to tend to them.


  1. When I am in that part of the state I will have to look up the Landis Valley Museum. Thanks for the tip

  2. Oh your post got my juices flowing and I am pouring over my tomato seeds as well now! My family is from Ohio originally and the rule of thumb was to have all tomato plants in the ground by Memorial April sounds really early to me, but your little Kozy wraps look like they would do the trick! Keep us posted on your results.

  3. Jane, It looks like a nice place to go for a day trip. They have a couple of festivals that seem interesting. I think that we will go to one this and take my grandson.

    Patricia, The majority of the tomato plants will be sown in the middle of May, since our last frost date is May 15

  4. That's an amazing number, Robin. Which of those 20 are your favorites? Since I don't have much success with Brandywine, I ordered the hybrid version "Brandyboy" from Burpee. I'm interested to see how that will work out. Those Kozy Koats look neat!

  5. Vic, I have to say that Cherokee Purple is my favorite eating tomato...seconds on the list are Eva's Purple Ball, Howard's German Red, Pineapple, Brandywine, Matt's Wild Cherry. That may change this year after planting some new varieties

  6. So many people like Cherokee Purple that I decided to try it this year. I will also grow Matt's Wild cherry again, and try my hand at drying them. I will also grow Pineapple again, it was delicious! It is still too early for tomatoes, but I hope to sow some leeks this week.

  7. I also did the same mistake last year and started tomatoes too early. This year I am sowing tomato seeds 3 weeks later.

  8. Wow! It will be fun to watch you during canning season LOL - but I agree, how CAN you resist?!!!

  9. Ali, you will absolutely Love the CP's!! I dried my Matt's Wild Cherry in the oven and they are so so candy!

    Ana, You and I went crazy last year tending to the tomato plants!! I am starting most of mine a month later.

    Erin, I hope you are available to send out search and will probably be crazy!! I guess it's time for "The Italian" to start doing some canning!! He says that he is going to make lots of sauce during that time...he better!

  10. That is amazing that you can plant them so early outside with the little greenhouses...We look like the neighborhood quacks running out and putting old bedsheets over our gardens whenever frost is a possibility.

  11. 41 plants sounds good to me! You can do so much with tomatoes. I just have a hard time saying "no"!


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