
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pre-Sprouting Containers...a special thank-you to EG

I pre-sprout many of my seeds before I plant them. In the past I would put them on a damp paper towel, roll it up, place them in a plastic bag (left open) and put them on top of my radiator covers. This year, EG over at Our Engineered Garden sent me some great little containers for sprouting seeds. I have to say that they are working out great! I no longer have to open the bags and un-roll the paper towel to check on the seeds!! All I have to do now is open the containers!

In another day or two I will sow these and put them downstairs on the germinating table under the lights.

Thanks EG!!


  1. Very cool little containers! I've considered pre-sprouting more of my seeds but am too lazy it turns out. Though I've noticed that pre-sprouting does not work well for me with beans. Corn on the other hand is great.

  2. Cool trick! I usually don't presprout. I usually just make sure I plant multiple seeds. I may try this with non-commercial seeds though to make sure they actually germinate. =0)

  3. Great containers and what a nice thing for EG to do!

  4. So far i have never presprouted anything. Maybe I should give it a try, especially with the seeds where I don't plan to grow a lot of plants.

  5. Thomas, I've never pre-sprouted beans or cornor even peas. I just stick those in the ground.

    Holly, I started pre-sprouting just tomatoes and then peppers.

    Laura, He's a pretty good guy!

    Ana, I find that you don't waste as many seeds when you pre-sprout and know how many plants you will have. I only pre-sprout tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage

  6. I'm too lazy too LOL! I just throw a few in each block and commit seedling-icide later :(

  7. I need to try this...I bought some sample packs of seeds that don't have many in them...thanks for sharing!

  8. Do those have holes or anything in them? Seems that some small dip containers could be reused similarly...

  9. Hey, there's one of my little containers! Cool, i'm glad you like them....

  10. Erin, I don't think that you are too lazy...maybe too busy!!

    Deb, Pre-sprouting works well especially when you only have a few seeds.

    Shawn Ann, those containers are actually from electrical holes

    EG, Thanks so much!!! These are much easier then using plastic bags!!

  11. Very clever! I'll have to try these.. they seem like less hassle than plastic bags.. Isn't it great that seed season is finally starting up!? :)

  12. Hi Niki, thanks for stopping by. These little containers are so much easier to use then plastic bags...happy seed starting season:)

  13. Awesome idea! I've been reading EG's posts on seed starting, and decided this is the spring that I will try it. Sounds like this method will save me a little time. Thanks for the tip.


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