
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gardening Boots

My "Little Garden Helper" and I got rain boots for gardening. I'm usually a bare-foot gardening gal...but I think that we are going to need boots to work at the plots this spring.

I got a great deal on my boots and they have pictures of Rome on them! My "Little Garden Helper's" boots are just so cute and almost as big as mine!! Now all we have to do is find a good pair of boots for "The Italian"!!


  1. Too cute! They should do the job well.

  2. I could use your boots today: rain, rain and more rain...until NEXT Friday!! Maybe what I need more than boots is a boat! But I really want your boots!

  3. Boots are must for gardening here in WA...I have heavy rubber ones with fleece liners and have been grateful for them the last week as I've slogged through the bog that used to be out backyard on my way to the greenhouse. Yours are way cuter than mine!

  4. Liisa, I just love the little guys boots...he does too!

    Lynda, I only paid $20. for those boots. I looked them up and they usually cost around $50. They are made by Capelli of New York

  5. Oh, my son would just love those! He is my garden helper too! Rain boots are perfect for the garden!

  6. those are GREAT boots! we have too much poop for barefootin' around here.

  7. Hey! Thomas the Tank Engine! I bet he loves those boots!

  8. I had to break out mine last week! One of my kids used to call them "bubber boots" even now that they're older, we all still call them that LOL!

  9. Only time when I'm not wearing gardening boots in the garden is in the middle of summer. So I love gardening boots. I think you will find them useful too.

  10. What a fun way to step into Rome, when one cannot visit. Are they easy to get into and take off?

  11. Shawn Ann, Western Chief has the cutest rain boots for kids, especially if your little helper has wide feet!

    Ohiofarmgirl, I never went barefootin at the farm either.

    VP, Oh, he just loves them!

    Erin, Bubber boots...too cute!

    ana, I think I will be wearing them a lot this year with all of the snow that we have had.

    Carol, yes they are very easy to get on and off

  12. You'll both be stylin in the garden! I need a new pair of slip on shoes for the garden. I tend to run around barefoot in the house and like to just slip something on quickly when heading out to the garden to harvest or check on something.

  13. I love the new boots! I talked to a student at school today (high school) and she had the cutest polka dot rubber boots on. It's been raining and really cold here, and it was a good time for her to sport her new footwear! Maybe you're little helper will be wanting to wear his everywhere, too!

  14. Thanks everyone...those boots sure came in handy today in all of the melting snow!!

  15. Were did you get the Rome boots?!

  16. LLbarrett, I got the boots at Stein Mart.


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