
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Signs of Spring

We are being blessed or teased with a few days of warm weather. The temperature today reached 55 F and we are supposed to reach 63 F tomorrow! Saturday the temperatures will return to normal, about 45 F. The snow is beginning to melt and there are signs of Spring!

The Crocuses are almost ready to bloom & I can find the Leeks once again!

The Grape Hyacinths are green and signs of bulbs peaking through the ground

The Sage bush has emerged from beneath the snow and the Strawberries are showing signs of new growth

Daffodils sprouting through the fall leaves and the Garlic is showing through the straw and snow

Come on Spring!!!!


  1. I am also in zone 6B and cannot wait for the warm temps tomorrow. Goodbye snow, don't let the door hit you ... So exciting to see the signs of spring. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Woo-hoo! I suppose I should go outside to see if I have anything growing, but I'm STILL unpacking!

  3. Our temps are a little warmer than yours today. Everything is soggy from the melting snow. I'll take a walk around in boots to look for signs of spring and move the left over snow off the raised beds so they can warm up too.
    Yeah Spring!

  4. Exciting!!! Enjoy the weather while it lasts.

  5. Well, yeah, it's been warm here in Nebraska too. Today it was short sleeve T-shirt weather. The tulips and daffodils were peaking up through the ground. I'm not sure they should be doing that just yet as the odds are we will get many more freezing nights before the frost free date of May 15th arrives. I had a good talk with them but they insist that it's time to wake up and start there spring journey to bloom. I hope they know what their doing.

    Have a great very near spring day.

  6. Yeah Spring!! Move aside snow, Mother Nature is waking up.

  7. we had some snow here yesterday, but it is too warm, so it just melted.
    Spring is here...

  8. I echo the last sentiment of your post!

  9. This morning I looked out the window and said. "Signs of earth." That brown stuff is quite colorful fially surfacing under the snow.

  10. I know it's just a tease, but it is a wonderful mood lifter anyway! The green poking through the snow is wonderful, even if just short lived for now.

  11. ONG, It was a great day today wasn't it??? Temps hit the 70's. Hopefully it won't be as cold tomorrow as they are predicting

    Granny, I know that you got outside today!! Hope that you are well rested

    Marcia, Hope that you had a good day in the garden

    rohrerbot, I enjoyed it today..hopefully a little tomorrow too !

    David, Our frost free day is also supposed to be around May 15...but it usually about two weeks earlier. I had a great near spring day today!!

    ana, Spring may be there....but, I don't think it's quite here yet!

    GLA, Maybe if I keep saying and thinking it....Spring will arrive

    johanna, I hope that you had some time to enjoy the nice warm day we had today.

    The Mom, It was definitely a tease today...mid 70's!!


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