
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Digging at the Plots

Even though Mother Nature is still not cooperating with my gardening schedule, "The Italian" and I did get some work done at the plots. Yesterday the two of us went over there for a couple of hours. I did some digging and "The Italian" re-measured everything, straightened up and inventoried the fencing, posts etc. that was left there.

Today my "Little Garden Helper" was supposed to come over and go to the plots with us. Well, he woke up with a cold and did not come over. Even though the weather today was much colder then it was supposed to be, I decided to go to the plots and finish digging the one bed. "The Italian" stayed  home and worked on the drawings for the plots and his water storage system. I will post the drawings in a day or two.

The one side bed which is 3' x 34' is turned over. I also installed the bunny fencing along this side. This bed will have broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and I really need to get it ready to go!

I started to dig this bed where one of the two varieties of asparagus will be planted....but, I got so darn cold I went home!

We are planning to get at least three more large beds dug this week and framed out....we will see if Mother Nature cooperates with our plans!!!


  1. Looking good. I can't wait to see more.

  2. I have had about all I can take of the PA weather this year. I wanted to get the peas in this weekend but I couldn't find the beds under the snow that came Friday.

  3. We have to clear our beds too and start making additional ones for all the things we want to plant this year. Looking good!!

  4. Looks like you got a lot done in spite of the weather. It's been sunny and warmish here yesterday and today. Maybe that will work it's way over to PA!

  5. Liisa, I can't wait to see more too!!

    Jane, your weather out there is colder then ours and I have had it!! I need to get this work done, there are cold weather crops to plant!!!

    mimi, Getting beds going is a lot of work....we just need some warmer weather!!

    Villager, I hope your weather works it's way here this week. It wouldn't feel so cold if the sun would just come out!

  6. Cold and raining here. I wanted so much to plant peas today...I'm going to do it tomorrow rain or shine. I was too cold today, I didn't want to get out of my jammies! You are so brave and have a gardener's soul!

  7. Dang, that makes the 3' x 7' plot I dug yesterday look pretty tiny! Raining here today, and cold, so I'm staying inside.

  8. Our weather has been terrible too. Cold and raining/snowing for the past several days.

    That's a lot of digging! Good exercise!

  9. Lynda, I hope that you get your peas planted tomorrow. I won't be planting mine for a week or so.

    Granny, Tomorrow it is supposed to be nice and sunny....there will be a lot of digging going on!! You get better before you go out and do a lot of work!!

    Kaytee, I will be getting a lot more excercise before those beds are ready....maybe I will lose my winter fat!!

  10. Oh wow, look at you go! The soil in the completed bed looks really nice. Was it difficult to dig?

  11. Bravo...reading your blog makes me realize how easy we have it in Southern California. I wonder if I would have the stamina to gardening if I lived in Pennsylvania. You have all my admiration!

  12. That bed looks great and you deserve an award for sticking it out as long as you did in the cold. We have had a steady heavy rain for many days now which made any thoughts of working soil an impossibility. Frustrated about that as I wanted to get some spinach and radishes planted this weekend. Oh well.... maybe it will give me a break this coming weekend.

  13. Mother Nature is really testing us this year

  14. Nice job with that digging. I know turning over an unused garden space can be a lot of work.

  15. Rachel, the soil has not been difficult at all to dig....thank heavens!!

    Laura, It's supposed to be nice and sunny hopefully I'll get another bed done!!

    Sue, She sure is!!

    Emily, The plots have not been as difficult to clear and dig as I had expected them to be. Now all I need is a week of good weather!


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