
Monday, March 14, 2011

Harvest Monday ...... 3/14/2011

This past week I harvested a few small radishes and an anemic looking carrot from the cold frames. It's not much.....but it's a harvest! There's some lettuce and some more pak choi out there ready to be harvested, which I will do later today.

I will weigh these when we use them tonight in a salad with some fresh lettuce just waiting for me out in the cold frames.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Fresh radish and grated carrot sounds like a nice topping for some fresh cold frame grown lettuce! It's amazing how nice of a salad one can throw together from just a bit of this and a bit of that.

  2. We have not grown radish for half a year, maybe will start growing them again this month.Carrot and radish look good together:).

  3. Sounds like the making of a great salad.I do miss having carrots. Yours looks good to me!

  4. Yep, it's at least some form of harvest, so be happy about it! lol. I got nothin'.....

  5. Pretty photo. I believe each harvest is to be celebrated no matter how large or small. You are going to have yourself a nice salad.

  6. A harvest is a harvest no matter the size, I got a single asparagus today!
    The radishes and carrot are so pretty, they make nice salad topping.

  7. Well for the time of year it is a wonderful harvest. I only wish I had that much right now.

  8. Thanks everyone....the salad was absolutely wonderful!!

  9. I haven't had a real harvest in weeks!!!! Boy you've been really busy Robin. Nice to see that your plot is coming along. And it looks like you are up to your eyeballs in seedlings. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

  10. Thomas, the next two weeks are going to be very very busy in the garden! We have a lot to get done at the plots, the greenhouse needs to go up and I just started to pre-sprout my main tomato plants for us and others!!

  11. EEEK! That reminds me I forgot to add mine ot the tally. Your radish look lovely and the carrot may be a little light, but it's a carrot and as long as it's edible it's all good!

  12. Radishes!?!?!
    *throws down computer and runs toward Robin's house for radish and butter sandwiches*

  13. Barbie, I have to say that I think the carrot was the sweetest one I have ever eaten!!

    Ohiofarmgirl, That's going to be one heck of a run!!!


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