
Monday, March 7, 2011

Harvest Monday..........3/7/2011

This past week I had a small harvest from the Cold Frames. The pak choi in the left cold frame was starting to bolt. I think it was from a couple of times when the temps got a little too high in there. The left cold frame gets the sun first and the temperature can get very high in just a few minutes. With that being said, I removed the cold frame lids for now. The over night temperatures are not supposed to get too cold. I may decide to put them back on at night for a week or two....we will see what the weather brings.

I harvested the three small bolting pak choi, some collard greens and a few small kale leaves to use for dinner on Saturday.

They weighed in at 8 oz.

I braised some short ribs and cook them in red wine for several hours. Then I added a couple of potatoes, carrots and finally the greens. It was absolutely delicious!!

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see what is going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Looks yummy for a cold night in and some crusty bread to soak up all that yummy goodness! I just put in some pak choi seeds as well.

  2. What a nice harvest. That cold frame is doing wonderful.

  3. looks lovely! and i'm so jealous at all the work you've been able to do outside on your beds! we are still mud mud mud with more mud followed by additional mud on the side. sheesh! but we got our fence moved so at least we have a start.

  4. The greens harvest looks good and the dinner even better. :D

    It is always a happy day when the protected first of the year greens get really going - bringing with it the first taste of spring.

  5. Robin, I am so ready to harvest something, anything! :) Our lettuce, mesclun and especially the kale are coming along beautifully in the hoop house, but I am quickly running out of space in there; perhaps it's time to put more of the seedlings outside.
    PS: you needn't say how good that dish was, we can see it!

  6. Yummy! You're the second post I've read this a.m. that has featured short-ribs: guess what I think we're having for dinner! :0 Your greens are perfect! I didn't get any germ on my pak choi this go-round. I'm going to get some fresh seed and give it another shot.

  7. Hey, looks like dinner at your house! ;-)

  8. Mrs Bok, Crusty bread would have been perfect with tht meal...but I didn't make any until the next day for my mother in-laws BD

    Jane, I am very pleased with the cold frames.

    Ohiofarmgirl, I haven't been able to get back to the plots yet. It looks like maybe tomorrow...that darn Mother Nature is not cooperating!!!

    Laura, It was a very happy day to finally get some food out of the cold frames!

  9. The ribs look great! Looking forward to more updates on the plots....

  10. Nice harvest! The ribs look delicious!! BTW, I love your new pic up top! Purty!

  11. That looks delish. I am so envious of your warmer climes right now. At least here in Maine it is raining and the snowpack is dissolving.... and flooding the roads.

  12. Mmm, those short ribs sound good! My pac choi hasn't bolted yet, but I only have a couple left from winter. I need to get some more planted.

  13. The Mom, Oh it was!!

    Diana, Oh you will be harvesting very soon I'm sure! I can't believe that you are running out of room in your hoop house already!! You need to post some pictures.

    Lynda, We just love short-ribs with greens!!

    Barbie, Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together and have vertual dinners??

  14. Controlling the temperature inside cold frames and mini-greenhouses is really difficult, isn't it? You sometimes feel that you need to open / close the lids four or five times a day!

  15. Deb, I haven't been able to get over to the plots...Mother Nature has not been cooperating!! Hopefully tomorrow!!

    Holly, Oh, we really enjoyed this little harvest! I just had to change the blog layout and add some green....enough of that snow!

    Ali, We had a lot of rain yesterday and some minor flooding in the area. You really shouldn't be far behind us here...but it seems so right now.

    Villager, I started some more pak choi last week in the basement and it is taking off!

    Mark, It's very difficult to control the temperatures. I have a small greenhouse that we will be putting up soon. The first year I had it I killed plants from too much heat and too much cold!!

  16. Thank you. I've never thought to add greens to a rib dish like that, but I will from now on!

    Your greens look so good, I can't wait to get out there and plant some myself!

  17. Love short rib stew, the vegetables look really nice and yummy in the stew.

  18. The fresh greens look so good and the short ribs with veggies look amazing. So exciting that your cold frames are working out so well for you.

  19. That does look delicious. I envy you northerners that have cold frames or greenhouses and are getting harvests right now.

  20. That looks delicious! It's sooooo nice to get those fresh greens again - I was overjoyed at the tiny amount of spinach I had for my stuffed shells, LOL - I can't wait until I get more. Congrats on that harvest! I like the new look, too :)

  21. Looks yummy. And your garden beds are going to be fabolous!

  22. Pak choi appears to be a green that really isn't tolerant of warmer temps. Although I have seeds I've yet to trial them here - I'll have to do that later this year just to find out. Your greens from the cold frame look beautiful and way you cooked them looks so yummy!


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