
Saturday, March 5, 2011


OK, this Robin may not know a large mutant Robin when I see it....but, I do know my Goldfinches!!

Due to the "City Squirrels" (a/k/a F#$!ng Squirrels), the only bird feeder we can have is a thistle feeder. The feeder is right outside the kitchen window where I sit. Most of the time, the same finches come and eat from this feeder. Even though I'm not real good with birds, I can tell each of them apart. At times during the day, this feeder is covered with finches.

The finches are starting to take on their summer color a bit. The yellow will get much brighter as the weather gets warmer.


  1. I saw one yesterday! On my deck railing, looking in the back door at me on the computer LOL.... it always makes me smile, it's as if she was patiently waiting for me to fill the feeder hanging there :)

  2. I didn't know they changed colors. Yet another thing I learned today.

  3. Erin, I have them here all year round. They are such a pretty bird. I used to position my granson's high chair so he could watch them eat when he ate. It worked!

    Jane, The goldfinches get very pale in the winter and sometimes their color looks a bit green. As the seasons change, their color becomes a bright yellow.

  4. So we both have a photo of a goldfinch at the same time albeit mine is a Eurpoean one. Ours has a red face and bright yellow on it's wings but you can see that they are the same type of bird can't you - ours enjoy niger seed too but only after the siskins showed the way - their favourite is sunflower heart. LOvely photo.

  5. By the way - ours are the same colour all year round

  6. What a great photo! We filled our feeders this morning and the birds are frantically eating knowing that another storm is on its way.

  7. I have one of those sitting on the ladder, out by the fence! Oh....we can't count ceramic ones? Rats!

  8. I'm right there with you about the squirrels which is why I won't have a bird feeder. The neighborhood squirrels are definitely the rascals of the hood. They know just how far up the tree they have to go where the neighbors dogs can reach and swish their bushy tail just out of reach while looking back with the Ha Ha you can't get me look on their face. It drives them crazy. They will absolutely terrorize a bird feeder and then pound on the door for more as my Mother-in-law found out. One good thing I like about them is they live life to the fullest today and don't have care about tomorrow. I can't really argue with that philosophy but I can do without the detructive part for sure.

    Have a great bird watching day.

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  10. Our goldfinches migrate...I know it is spring when they arrive. Agree with you about the squirrels...we are now down to one lone native brown squirrel and I tolerate him as long as he doesn't get in my feeders...all of the invasive gray squirrels got lead poisoning and have gone to the great squirrel pot pie in the sky....

  11. Sue, I had taken a lot of photos of the finches and then realized that I had dirty windows!! So, I had to clean them to get a good clear shot. It's amazing how different your goldfinches are.

    Rachel, Oh are getting more snow!! We are supposed to have rain all day tomorrow.

    Granny, can't count the ceramic ones!!

    David, Last year I trapped 20 squirrels and had them relocated. Things were good all summer. Now I have a new group of squirrels. I guess it's almost time to get the traps out again.

    Deb, If I was still on the farm, the squirrels here would all die of lead poisoning too! I'm a darn good shot with a 22 rifle.

  12. I too suffer from dirty window problems - have to avoid the smudges and also have the problem of diamond leaded glazing so have to aim through a diamond!

  13. Nice photo. Our squirrels feast with the birds on the sunflower seeds and suet. I have tried putting out thistle more than once over the years and the birds won't eat it. Strange isn't it?

  14. Sue, that window gets so dirty from the birds.

    Kelly, I have had that feeder there for at least six years and it's always busy. I will get other types birds feeding at it soon. My mother in-law put out a thistle feeder and said that she didn't get any birds. But I don't think she left it out long enough, maybe only a week.


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