
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Plots...........Phase I Complete!

Tuesday I spent a few more hours at the plots. It was a really nice day and the temperature outside reached 50 F! I am happy to say that the plots are completely cleared and the beds are marked off! We may have to make some minor adjustments on the beds, but the general layout is in place.

While I was working I  met a new gardener that stopped by to see his plot. His plot is two down from ours. He is a very nice older retired chemist who will definitely be a good niehgbor. I also met a very nice retired couple who live nearby and occasionally take their daily walk through the community gardens. They gave me the scoop on some of the gardeners and the former lack of management at the gardens. With new management in place, hopefully the neglected plots will be taken care of.

Here they are completely cleared and marked off!

It's hard to see from this picture, but there is a lot of good 3' fencing and lots of tomato cages that were left at the plots.

The berry area is under control and all of the excess bushes and roots have been removed!

There is an old cold frame in the back next to where I'm going to set-up the compost area and lots and lots of 3' fenceing and posts! As you can see, I put all of the good flower pots back there too.

Phase II will hopefully start on Friday. I'm going to start installing the bunny fencing and install a section of fence that is missing at the back of the plots.


  1. I can't believe the amount of work you have gotten done in the middle of winter. It looks fantastic.

  2. You are really doing a great job, especially considering it's COLD OUT! You will be ready to go for sure :)

  3. You're putting me to shame! I have a 12'x12' spot behind the shed that needs to be cleaned up and leveled for a little project I'm planning, and I haven't yet lifted a finger!

    Your plots are lookin' good.

  4. The Mom & Erin, The days that I have spent at the plots the temperatures ranged between 38-52 with bright sun and no wind. I think this is the best weather to get the hard work done. I do not want to be doing this type of work when it is hot outside! When it is hot outside, I do my gardening at 6 AM or 7-9 PM. I just can't stand the real hot weather these past few's the big M thing!

    Granny, I've always been an old work horse!! My son says that we have the "ant gene"...meaning we can lift a lot more then our weight!!

  5. I'm with Granny, you're putting me to shame too! I need some of that ant gene, because I'm having a hard time getting into pulling weeds in our beds.

    It won't be long before it's time to start planting early stuff. I can't wait to see what the plots look like when they are full of growing things!

  6. What a bonus with the cold frame. They are really starting to shape up.

  7. WOW! You really are in high gear! Sounds like you're off to a good start with your garden neighbors...always nice to have friends in the garden. I'm looking forward to watching your garden grow!

  8. Whew! That was a LOT of work. It looks wonderful! That is going to be quite a good sized garden.

    I think you will be glad you kept all the extra fencing, poles, and pots. Those odds and ends may come in handy.

  9. I'm so jealous!!!! all those pots and tomato cages! Here I am saving tree limbs hoping I'll be able to stake them when the time comes. BTW, I enjoyed reading more about you a few posts ago. Tell it like it is, Sister!

  10. Villager, We will see how the ant gene holds up when it is time to haul compost! The time to plant the early stuff will be here before we know it. I noticed today that the place where I ordered my potatoes from just deducted the amount from my account....that means they will be shipping soon!!

    Jane, I think that little cold frame will come in handy.

    Lynda, I've have met two new garden neighbors so far that will be in our row. They both seemed quite nice

    Rachel, It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be....we will see how I feel in a couple of weeks!

    tami, All of the items that were left will definitety save us some money. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading a little about me.

  11. You have done a ton of work, kudos! Nonetheless, I am seethingly jealous, as I have 4 feet of snow covering my garden. Boo hoo.

  12. Looks fantastic - we have people on our site who have had theirs plots for a few years now and haven't got them to the state you have managed in just a short time.

  13. Incredible amount of work for the temps outside. It was 50ยบ the other day but with the wind I didn't last out there more than half an hour. I decided it all could wait.

    Good for you!

  14. Great work on your plots! Can you send some of that motivation my way? =)

  15. I'm finally getting a chance to get cuaght up on some blog reading on this rainy Sunday... You have been doing an enormous amount of work in the plots! It sounds like you've taken on a leadership position in getting the community garden up and going again??

  16. That looks outstanding! Your hard work is really showing. This should be a great growing location for you - lots of full sun and the fact that the weeds were growing so well - speaks volumes about good soil fertility and tilth.

  17. Wow it looks like it is coming along great. Having a plot must be so exciting.


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