
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just when you think Spring has Sprung

you wake up to SNOW!!! Yes, it is snowing outside! "They" said that we might get some snow....but, "They" are usually wrong!

This was yesterday

This is today!!
It's a good thing we put the tops back on the cold frames last night...just in case of an ice storm!! I had planted some new lettuce and spinach seedlings in them yesterday.

Chives in the herb garden

Tulips in the herb garden

Does this mean that I have to clean my house today??


  1. I know how you feel. We are expected to get a bit of snow tomorrow. I guess no one gave mother nature the memo that it's now spring.

  2. Yep, western PA tomorrow-snow. For as bad as our winter was, I was really hoping for a warm spring. I think we deserved it.

  3. We got snow on Monday and it sounds like more on the way tonight and tomorrow. I had just started to clean out the portions of the front flower beds where the snow had melted.

  4. WHAT?! I hope that melts off asap... I know you are itching to get out there!

  5. Thomas, that darn mother nature should listen to the groundhog!

    Jane, I have been done with winter for awhile now....I still have hundreds of peas and onions to sow at the plots!!

    Emily, Old Man Winter just doesn't want to let get this year. The spring weather will probably be short and the hot summer will probably be early and then everything will Bolt!

    Erin, That's exactly what I said! I think that maybe that darn groundhog should be shot!! He said an early spring!!

  6. You too!!! Man this Spring is really being a big tease!

  7. They're talking about flurries here later in the week. I'd rather play in the snow than clean house!

  8. We got hit with the snow here in NJ as well ... deep breaths, deep breaths.

  9. Oh No! Mother Nature is sure testing all of the Gardeners in the world! I told my husband this season we really need to reconsider a greenhouse!

  10. Gee whiz :o( Mother Nature can really play some tricks on us. Don't fret, sometimes her tricks are helpful, there may have been some bugs she saw that you didn't and so she gave you a little help, Sometimes the snow is perfect for the health of the plants..Cheer up it will work it'self out;

  11. APGal, At least you have that Funky Chicken to keep you occupied!!

    Villager, The forecast was supposed to be good this week and has now changed to c@$p for the next week...hopefully it will change again!

    ONG, Deep breaths just won't cut it right now!

    Lynda, She sure is testing us a bit!!

    Gingerbread, OK, I will try to look on the positive side...she is doing us a favor :)

  12. "THEY" said our temps weren't going to get below freezing this week, but "THEY" lied. I'll go out later to see if my lettuce seedlings survived last night's 20s. I had a frost blanket, too. The wind was blowing, and I couldn't get it over the bed and clamped down, so I just left it off. Bummer.

  13. Maybe Mother Nature thought you needed a day off from gardening?

    One of our local weather personalities posted on facebook that the snow we received on Monday was a surprise to him. I wish I had a job where it is ok if I am wrong most of the time.

    I hope your new snow melts fast.

  14. Oh no Robin and you're not that far north of me in MD. No snow here, Just cold rain. I'll take it.

    Just think of it this way - it nourishing the garden?

  15. Granny, Oh no..."They" lied to you too!! I hope that your lettuce is OK

    Rachel, Mother Nature should know that I have a lot of gardening to do! It's raining now and the snow is melting.

    Marcia, It better be doing something for the garden!!

  16. Hope the peas don't mind the snow! Our weather guessers said cold, cloudy and possible was 59 degrees (warm for March here) and sunny...I planted more potatoes and some garlic...and took your advice and tucked more onions in among my Asian greens and cabbages...

  17. Deb, This week was supposed to be nice. I have some beds at the plots that need to be prepared for the asparagus, strawberries and raspberries that arrived today!! I always plant onions and lettuce in between things, interplanting is supposed to beneficial and helpful with regard to pests and disease.

  18. Robin, those sloppy spring snows are a nuisance but really put needed moisture into the soil. All that nitrogen rich snow is the best thing that can during the spring. Yeah, I know it probably doesn't help much for winter cabin fever.

    Have a great day starting those seeds.

  19. David, This has been one long winter!!! It just doesn't want to end!


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