
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sometimes you just have to hang more Lights and...

take over another area in the basement!! Since "Old Man Winter" has decided that he wasn't ready to leave yet and my tables runneth over, I thought that I better find some more space in the basement for the seedlings.

The previous owners had left an old plastic table here that has come in handy at times. It's in the tool area of the basement near the boiler. So I cleaned it off and hung another shop light over it. That area of the basement is warmer then where I have the germinating tables located.

This table will accommodate 8-10 flats! When the warm weather seedlings are bigger, I will just move them here!!


  1. I'm thinking of taking over a wall in Mr. Granny's man room next year. I could move out the useless book case and put in a wire four shelf system! Over his dead body, of course ;-)

  2. I am all about repurposing to meet the needs! Good job on making use of the space!

    Those plants look marvelous!

    C'mon Spring! For real this time!

  3. Nice setup! We are getting more rain this week and everything in the greenhouse is out growing it's space. By this time I should be able to get the tomatoes and cucumbers out into the beds and just keep them covered on cool nights.

  4. Granny, I think that you should do it one day when he is not home and see if he notices :)

    APGal, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Now I will definitely have enough space for everything!

    Liisa, The weather has been strange all over the country this spring. Hopefully it will settle soon!!

  5. It has been very cold here recently. We had spring before spring hit and now we seem to be getting winter again. We had one snow storm and are about to get another. I know it will melt instantly, but still I want spring. I have seedlings that need to go out in a week because I need that space under the lights.

  6. Daphne, I know what you mean. I think that setting up this space will definitely save me and make the seedling shuffle much easier!!

  7. I miss my basement! So I'll have to make do and make plans for next year ..I've been saving seeds, but really only have my studio to plant seedlings..I'll have to sell my Loom. I don't weave anymore anyway.

  8. Great idea to use your basement for glowing sprouts!
    How about sunlight? The electric light can be substituted for sunlight?

  9. Ginny, When I first started growing from seed, I used my window sills. My basements set-ups are much much better. I don't know what I would do without a basement!

    takaeko, This table is just an addition to where I germinate in the basement. I did a post on my other tables here

    The lights work wonderfully for germinating seeds.

  10. That basement is just so useful - you are lucky to have it

  11. Your tomato seedlings are very large! Having extra table-space is a great way to keep those tender seedlings inside longer. I was going to start hardening a few of the brassicas until I heard this week's weather report. Tonight it will get into the low 20s here. So sad....we'll loose our cherry blossoms if that happens.

    I was trying to leave a comment yesterday evening when the t-storms began. That didn't work out well.

  12. I'm jealous you have a basement LOL!

  13. Sue, I have never lived in a house without a basement. I don't know what we would do without one!

    Lynn, The large tomatoes are my early tomatoes that will be planed here at the house in water cloches. The main tomato seedlings are very small at this point. I hope that they are wrong with your weather forecast and your cherry blossoms are OK. It was not supposed to be this cold this week and the current forecast does not show better weather until Monday!!!

    Erin, I can't imagine what you would do with a would be interesting to see!!!

  14. I feel your pain. When is this winter going to end?????!!!!!

  15. I'm in the same boat, and I've hardly got anything started! I'm going to have to get another table and get another light when I start my 4387598 tomatoes!

  16. I expanded my seed starting light set up last year and yet...once again am wishing I had more room! That is a great work area and should give you a considerable amount of additional room.

  17. Thomas, I hope that it ends soon!

    Kaytee, It amazing how much room one needs to grow all the plants!

    Laura, This is my second expansion for this year. I just didn't realize how much space I needed for the seedlings since my garden will about 5 times the size it was last year!!

  18. Your plants are looking great and so far ahead of mine...soon enough you will be planting them in the ground and the snowy tantrums of spring will be but a distant memory.:)

  19. Space is the shackles that mars the gardneing experience.

    I wish I had a basement!

  20. Mr.H, The tantrums of spring can't end soon enough for me! It's almost 20 degress colder then normal for this time of year! Thank goodness I only started a few early tomatoes!!

    IG, Don't they know how to dig big holes over there???


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