
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Working in the cold at the plots

The temperatures yesterday and today only topped out at about 39 F and it's a bit windy. The sun has been shining and since the downstairs refrigerator contains

75 Strawberry plants in the one crisper drawyer

and Aspargus roots in the other crisper drawyer

and the Broccoli and Cabbage looks like it wants to be planted

and there are Raspberry Canes hiding in a dark part of the basement!

I thought that I better get over to the plots and get some work done. I bundled up in layers and spent a few hours there yesterday and today. It really wasn't bad and I did manage to make some progress.

Yesterday I turned in the manure and compost in Bed #1. This is where the Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts will be planted.

Then I planted 80-90  onion plants along the front edge of the bed.

Today I turned over Bed #6 which is 3' x 32' and will contain the strawberries. Once the wind dies down, in a day or two I will add peat moss, sand and manure to this bed.

After I finished working on the strawberry bed I started to install some bunny fence along the front of the plots. I found some clay dirt in the back where the compost bins will be located and thought it would be good to compact along the fence. This is where the Asparagus will be I need to get the fencing in and beds prepared this week!


  1. I know what you mean, I hated being outside today because it was so cold. The poor garden just keeps getting pushed further back. I guess we cant do much about it.

  2. Fantastic! Looking at your raspberry canes...I'd love some too. Next spring perhaps! Can't wait to see your plot all planted up. It'll be fabulous.

  3. Your beds look wonderful! Your doing some hard good work..and I'm sure you will reap good results..

  4. I'm probably more excited to see your plots grow lush and beautiful than I am to watch my own garden take shape!

  5. Jane, Mother Nature is just not cooperating with our gardening schedule this spring. Last year the lilacs bloomed one month early in the middle of April.

    Mrs Bok, It's going to be great! I just wish that the weather would settle down.

    Thanks Ginny, I certainly hope that we have a good crop this year!

    Thanks my dear Granny, It's going to be exciting!! Oh, how I wish that you lived closer....can you imagine what the two of us could do???

  6. The beds are looking great and all ready to go!

  7. Wow look at you go! It's all coming together now. The weather has been so wet here. I think today is the last of the rains and we will have 78 degree weather by Weds. I have a feeling we will not have much of a Spring this year.

  8. I recommend the "Soilman" for a video on planting asparagus. It's very interesting and helpful.

  9. Crazy cold weather for us New Englanders. The wind was wicked and it was chilly. Your plot is coming along. I am enjoying watching the progress.

  10. You really do have to work hard to keep out the rabbits wish there was a way of keeping out the slugs!

  11. Thanks Erin, they are getting there.

    Liisa, I've been thinking the same thing. The weather will probably go from cold straight into summer and then everything will bolt!

    Jody, Thanks for the video tip. I will definitely watch it. Congrats on getting your blog up and going!

    Rachel, I really wish that it would be nice enough out to spend a whole day there...soon, I hope!

    Sue, I'm trying my best not to share with those cute litttle furry critters :)

  12. It was cold here though not as cold as you. I managed to fill the feeders and spray with Liquid Fence. We were to get snow overnight but all we got was a trace dusting that now with the sun out is gone. It's still cold. Not gardening weather in my book.

  13. Busy busy! All of your hard work will pay off later in the year, and also years to come, with the perennials you are putting in. That's something I need to do here. You get me jazzed to go outside here when it's a bit on the yucky side. I'm so excited to see your new beds come alive! Take lots of pictures, please.

  14. It looks like a lot of work...but I envy you all of that growing space! Can't wait to see the pictures as it grows....

  15. Marcia, The storm passed way south of us, so we had sunshine and it was a bit warmer today.

    Lori, Don't worry..I will take lots and lots of pictures!!

    Deb, I can't wait to get this part finished and start planting so we can see lots and lots of green!!

  16. There is always a bit of a "race against time" element about the spring planting season - when you add the work of starting a new garden area on top of it - well it gets downright hectic! You are making great progress though and all the bareroot starts and plant starts are looking great in their holding areas.


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