
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seedlings and more seedlings

This morning after checking on the seedlings downstairs, I decided that many needed to be re-potted. The broccoli, cabbage & eggplants were getting quite big. I thought that I had enough pots that would be the correct size for them. Well, I didn't have nearly enough. Then I remembered that there are alot of plastic cups in the one cabinet that I refuse to use. I just hate eating off of paper or plastic. When we eat outside we use real dishes.

I drug out all of the plastic cups that I could find, got out the drill and starting drilling holes in the bottom of them. It took me about four hours to re-pot and reorganize everything downstairs. I even had to turn on the second germinating table.

This is the back table with the smaller seedlings and warm weather veggies on it. I can fit four trays on each table and also a row of pots on the end and in the front.

The eggplant are looking good and you can see some mint and small tomato in the back.

Some of the peppers are starting to get their true leaves. Once they are re-potted, they will be kept on a separate tray. I used to have some problems with them when they got a little bigger. Then I learned from a greenhouse grower that they do not like their feet wet and should be watered very carefully & sparingly until they are planted in the ground.

Here are a few of the early tomatoes. The tomato in the back to the left is a Cherokee Purple, seed from Diana. The tomato in the back on the right is a Cherokee Purple, seed from Thomas. The tomato in the front on the right is a Paul Robeson, seed from EG....and the left front pot is some Winter Savory.

The Rosemary seems to be doing well.

The front germinating table has the Broccoli, Cabbage, Pak Choi, Spinach, some Lettuce and "My Little Garden Helper's" Sunflowers on it. I will also put the cauliflower here once they have germinated and are re-potted. By the time I need this table for the warm weather veggies, these should be in the greenhouse..except for the sunflowers.

Look at that Beautiful Cabbage!! Can't wait to get things in the ground!!


  1. Looks wonderful, Robin. I only need to start peppers and tomatoes here. Everthing else is direct seed.

  2. Well...that is quite a population explosion you have there! Congratulations.

  3. Those are some beautiful seedlings!!

  4. Lookin' good, girl! You're waaaaay ahead of me.

  5. Oh it is so nice to see such healthy seedlings growing. I am impressed. I also use plastic cups to pot up my summer seedlings as I don't have enough small pots.

  6. It's such a good job.Great looks of it.let's keep it up...

    plastic glasses

  7. Everything looks great, Robin. Those plastic cups come in handy for sure!

  8. YOu are certainly well on with your new growing season

  9. Everything is looking great! I can't believe the peppers and eggplant. I'm just starting my seeds of them today!

  10. Ooh La-la! Your seedlings look fantastic....I'm going to love watching your garden come to fruition!

  11. Yeehaw! Your seedlings look really healthy - much better than mine...

  12. Tami, This is the first time that I started lettuce and spinach inside. The majority of them will be dirct sown.

    Patricia, I think that I'm going to have my hands full in a couple of weeks!

    Megan & Liisa, thanks a bunch!

    Granny, I'm sure that I won't be ahead of you for long!

    Rachel, In the past, I've always had enough pots around. I think that the plastic cups are definitely the way to go...can't be the price!!

    john, Oh, it's going to be fun times tending to all of the plants I have to grow this year! I'll pulling my hair out until everything is in the ground for sure!

    Vic, The cups are great...I just wish that they were square!

    Villager, The peppers and eggplant grow so much slower then the, I decided to start them a little earlier

    Lynda, You'll probably be watching me go crazy tending to so many seedlings!!

    EG, Your seedlings look great..maybe I mother them more then you :)

  13. Erin, It's only going to get worse! You may have to send out a "Search & Rescue" team for me in about 6 weeks!!

  14. Erin, Nice looking plants. We're in your zone and our plants are growing big too. We're unsure about when to put them in the ground. Any recommendations.

  15. Hi Jody, thanks for stopping by my blog. I will send you an e-mail with some recommendations.

  16. Nice and healthy looking seedlings. I never can get spinach to start indoor for me, what's your trick?

  17. mac, I had a heck of time to get a small amount of spinach started inside. It was not worth the time and effort and I will not be doing it again. I am going to direct sow a lot of spinach.

  18. Your seedlings are looking wonderful. I really need to start some more. It was a nice day out so I was out cleaning up the yard. It almost feels like spring now.

  19. They're looking beautiful! I thought I had plenty of pots too... until I ran out last night. I thought I had it calculated out perfectly! Turns out my mother had extras in her basement though, so thankfully I was able to nab some this morning.

  20. Your seedlings look great!! It won't be long now and you'll be planting them in your gardens. The tete noire cabbages were intensely purple but small due to the heat. They'll probably grow beautifully in your climate. I'll email you a photo when I harvest the last 2. The arugula seeds you sent me are now my favorite!! This variety was earlier, larger and more heat tolerant then the others I planted this winter.

  21. Daphne, It felt like spring here for a few days and now it is cold!!

    Cloud, It always amazes me how many pots I need when germinating!!

    Jane, I will probably be planting them in about two weeks. The tete noire cabbages are quite pretty. I'm happy that you are pleased with the arugula seeds...keep me updated on their progress!


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